


  • 作者: 丁坤演的好
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2019-05-28



The old man respected human spirit, is one of the best kind of privilege. --stendhal (law)


Respect Elders--尊敬长辈的意思!

如果说尊重你们的/我们的/他们的。。在中间加上 Your/Our/Their



One of the main basic principles that all the religious and traditions obey is to respect the old. In my opinion, the old have made contribution to our society when they are young, so it is reasonable for them to get the world’s honor. 所有的宗教和传统都应该要遵守一条主要的原则,那就是要尊敬老人。在我看来,老人家在年轻的时候为我们的社会做出了贡献,因此他们理应得到世界的尊重。First, respecting the old is our country’s tradition. China has more than five thousand years’ history, our culture is diverse and profound, the merits such as loving peace and respecting the old have been inherited, and the generations keep these merits all the time. These traditions make people being a warm-hearted guy, so we can live in a harmonious world. We should carry on the behavior of respecting the old, let the world be full of love.

第一,尊敬老人是我们国家的传统。中国有超过五千年的历史,我们的文化多种多样,博大精深,爱好和平和尊敬老人这样的美德是沿袭下来的,世世代代的人都保持这些美德。这些美德让人们变得热心,因此我们生活在一个和谐的世界。我们应该执行尊敬老人的行为,让世界充满爱。Second, we have inherited the world from our ancestors, If not for the hard work and contribution they have done for us, we can’t enjoy the comfortable moment and live a happy live. Before we were born, some of the old people fought in wars for the freedom, in case the next generation still being slaves, they sacrificed their comfortable lives. So we should show our respect to the old, they deserve it. 第二,我们从前人那里继承了这个世界,如果不是他们为我们努力付出和奉献,我们就享受不到当下舒适的日子,开心的生活着。在我们出生前,一些老人在战争中为自由而战,为了后代不再当奴隶,他们牺牲了舒适的生活。因此我们应该对老人家表示尊敬,他们也值得我们这么做。In conclusion, the old deserve people respecting them, what they sacrifice for the world will be remembered. We should be thankful for what they did.总的来说,老人家值得人们去尊敬,他们为世界所做的贡献会被人们铭记。我们应该感谢他们做的一切

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respect the old

respect 尊重

the+形容词 表示一类人 the poor 穷人 the young 年轻人

第一时间 为你解答


the aged


the elderly

以尊敬长辈为题的英语作文 70词 初二作文

Be obedient to parents. As children grow up, parents begin to mold their disciplinary and emotional qualities by setting rules and requiring chores. Children can honor their parents by following the set rules in the household and completing chores on time. Celebrate important dates in the parent's life. All parents have birthdays, anniversaries and holidays (mother's day and father's day) that are important to them. Children can honor their parents by remembering these days and doing something special. For birthdays and holidays, give personable gifts, within your budget, that show appreciation. Even homemade cards, clothing and other crafts will mean the world to your parent. Be affectionate towards your parents. Exhibiting affectionate behavior tells your parents you love and appreciate them for all they've done. Say "I Love You" during phone calls and other opportune moments. Give your parents hugs when greeting them, and say "thank you" occasionally. A parent will feel loved and honored upon being showered with sincere affection.

我们从小被教育要尊敬老人 的英文



1) We are taught from kids to respect the elderly.

2) We are educated to respect old people starting from very young.



We should respect the old man.


One of the main basic principles that all the religious and traditions obey is to respect the old. In my opinion, the old have made contribution to our society when they are young, so it is reasonable for them to get the world’s honor.


First, respecting the old is our country’s tradition. China has more than five thousand years’ history, our culture is diverse and profound, the merits such as loving peace and respecting the old have been inherited, and the generations keep these merits all the time. These traditions make people being a warm-hearted guy, so we can live in a harmonious world. We should carry on the behavior of respecting the old, let the world be full of love.


Second, we have inherited the world from our ancestors, If not for the hard work and contribution they have done for us, we can’t enjoy the comfortable moment and live a happy live. Before we were born, some of the old people fought in wars for the freedom, in case the next generation still being slaves, they sacrificed their comfortable lives. So we should show our respect to the old, they deserve it.


In conclusion, the old deserve people respecting them, what they sacrifice for the world will be remembered. We should be thankful for what they did.


尊敬老人是我们中国的传统美德 用英语怎么说


Respecting the elderly is the traditional virtue of our country

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