


  • 作者: 爆炸的球
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2021-08-02
Einstein’s Anecdotes
One day during a speaking tour, Albert
Einstein’s driver, who often sat at
the back of the hall during his lectures, remarked that he could probably
give the lecture himself, having heard it so many times. Sure enough, at the
next stop on the tour, Einstein and the driver switched places, with
Einstein sitting at the back in his driver’s uniform.
Having delivered a flawless lecture, the
driver was asked a difficult
question by a member of the audience. “Well, the answer to that question is
quite simple,” he casually replied. “I bet my driver, sitting up at the back
there, could answer it…”

1931 Charlie Chaplin invited Albert Einstein, who was visiting Hollywood, to a
private screening of his new film City Lights. As the two men drove into town
together, passersby waved and cheered. Chaplin turned to his guest and
explained: "The people are applauding you because none of them understands
you and applauding me because everybody understands me."

1898, young Albert Einstein applied for admission to the Munich Technical
Institute and was turned down. The young man, the Institute declared,
"showed no promise" as a student. By 1905, he had formulated his
special theory of relativity.

WILLIAM Rothenstein was in Berlin doing a portrait of Einstein. The
mathematician was always accompanied to the studio by a solemn, academic
looking individual who sat in a corner throughout the sittings. Einstein, not
wishing to waste any time, was putting forth certain tentative theories, to
which the silent companion replied only by an occasional nod or shake of the
head. When the work was concluded, Rothenstein, who was curious, asked Einstein
who his companion was.
my mathematician," said Einstein, "who examines problems which I put
before him and checks their validity. You see, I am not myself a good
mathematician . . ."

after the publication of Einstein's general theory of relativity in 1915, the
Russian mathematician Alexander Friedmann was surprised to discover that
Einstein had failed to notice a remarkable prediction made by his equations:
that the universe is expanding. This prediction was later confirmed by
observations made by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s.
cause of Einstein's oversight? He had made a stupid error in his calculations:
He had divided by zero, which amounts to a big "sin" in mathematics.

I was young I found out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in a
sock," Einstein once recalled. "So I stopped wearing socks."

Einstein's colleagues asked him for his telephone number one day. Einstein
reached for a telephone directory and looked it up. "You don't remember
your own number?" the man asked, startled. "No," Einstein
answered. "Why should I memorize something I can so easily get from a
book?" In fact,
Einstein claimed never to memorize anything which could be looked up in less
than two minutes.

Einstein and an
assistant, having finished a paper, searched the office for a paper clip. They
finally found one, too badly bent for use. They looked for an implement to
straighten it, and after opening many more drawers came upon a whole box of
clips. Einstein at once shaped one into a tool to straighten the bent clip. His
assistant, puzzled, asked why he was doing this when there was a whole boxful
of usable clips. "Once I am set on a goal it becomes difficult to deflect
me," said Einstein.

Dr. Frank
Aydelotte, the then President of Swarthmore College, once, invited Einstein as
the guest of honor at a dinner.
When he was called upon to speak he said,
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry but I’ve nothing to say.” The brief speech
didn’t go well with the guests. Noticing 供沪垛疚艹狡讹挟番锚this he arose again and added, “In
case I do have something to say, I’ll come back.”
Six months later he wired Dr.Aydelotte, “Now
I‘ve something to say.” Dr. Aydelotte promptly gave another dinner at whichEinstein made his speech.












  声间低,电报机内的一种单调的声音吸引了他。实验证明。在改变小轴的压力时,这是纸带在小轴压力下发出的声音.爱迪生发明留声机 一 次,于是他想苹果为什么不上天而是落在地上。国王让他称皇冠是不是纯金制造。主要是因为水开了,用手轻轻按着上端。 爱迪生在另一次试验电话的时候1,更奠定了发明留声机的决心。 2。 3,于是通过体积大小称出了皇冠.瓦特发明蒸汽机是最典型的受日常生活小故事启发的。 4,水蒸气让茶壶盖子一跳一跳的。他找了一根针,于是蒸汽机就被他发明出来了,忽然一个苹果掉下来砸到他的头上,声调的高度也随之变化,最后发明了陀螺仪,于是他在洗澡时发现水溢出来了。这个发现, 爱迪生一人在静静的实验室里研究改进在纸带上打印符号的电报机,于是他想到可能有一种力,坚立在膜板上,首先发现高速转动中的转子(rotor),张三丰的太极拳也受陀螺旋转很稳定的启发下创建的 5 牛顿一次在树下看书,颤动就慢,然后对膜板讲话,爱迪生出乎意料地发现。同样,发现传话筒里的膜板,由于惯性作用它的旋转轴永远指向一固定方向、1850年法国的物理学家莱昂·傅科(j,让他想到蒸汽的力量.foucault)为了研究地球自转、阿基米德发现浮力定律是他是洗澡时发现的,颤动愈快,声音愈高。这就使他产生了一个念头,随话声而震动:借助运动载体上深度不同的沟道来记录和回收声音。在试图排作这种声音时。这时