


  • 作者: 虽浪迹天涯却未迷失本心
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2019-05-30

I am always on my way to the future. But where is my future is really a problem for me to solve now. Oh, mama, this is really a headache. Several questions have been float in my brain for a long time. What I'm good at? what I'm goona do? What I'm gonna be? Seriously speaking, I really don't know. At least I need help from my mentor. And now I'm gonna say just enjoy the life now while it lasts since I cannot get the future.


展开全部 With the rapid development of hi-tech,our life will change a lot in many ways in the future. 随着高科技的飞速发展,我们的生活将在很多方面对未来发生很大的变化.Now, people are getting richer and richer. Let's think, what will the life be like in the future? 现在,人们越来越丰富.我们认为,将生活是什么样的未来?In the future, we won't have to change many clothes every day. 在未来,我们不会天天更换的衣服.我们将穿着一种特殊的衣服.We will wear a kind of special clothes. We can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel hot. They will have many beautiful colours. We can change the colour we like anytime. 他们将有许多美丽的色彩.我们可以改变我们随时喜欢的颜色.In the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose.They will be much more delicious than now. 在未来,有越来越多种类的食物,我们可以选择.他们会比现在更加鲜美.They will not be expensive. We can buy them with little money. Isn't it wonderful? 他们将不昂贵.我们可以用很少的钱购买.是不是很美妙?In the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. It can move anywhere.在未来,我们所有人都将生活在美丽的房子.它可以移动任何地方.When we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble. 当我们要改变我们的生活的地方,它会带领我们很快没有任何麻烦.In the future, we won't have to go to work by bus or bike. Everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. How great will be ! 今后,我们将不必去乘坐公交车或骑自行车上班.每个人都会有一个小而有用的飞机,我们可以去任何地方,我们喜欢坐飞机.将会有多大!In the future, maybe each family will have a robot. Our mother won't be busy at housework, they won't be tired. When we feel bad, we won't have to go to hospital to see a doctor.在将来,也许每个家庭将有一个机器人.我们的母亲会不会忙家务,他们也不会累.当我们感觉不好,我们就不必去医院看医生.The teachers won't need to go to school to work because they can teach students through World Wide Web. 老师们将不再需要去学校上班,因为他们可以通过万维网教给学生.…… Life in the future will be much more wonderful than now, I think it will come true..未来的生活会比现在更美好,我想这会成为现实.


Yesterday just yesterday,it gives me have a better future.I thought I haven't had a successful person now.In fact,how is successful?Nobody will speak very clearly. I was a happy person,I have had more happy,more powerful,more yesterday momery gives me to see the future.Yesterday I don't like talk more,I don't like see more people,don't warm,more time,I like staying my home,painting almost time.Painting gives me full life,but also gives me like lonely,peace.I like now's me,talkative,easy going guy.I hope that I will do myself,to be more easy going,gives every my friend's happy.


I am always on my way to the future.But where is my future is really a problem for me to solve now.Oh,mama,this is really a headache.Several questions have been float in my brain for a long time.What I'm good at?what I'm goona do?What I'm gonna be?Seriously speaking,I really don't know.At least I need help from my mentor.And now I'm gonna say just enjoy the life now while it lasts since I cannot get the future.


I have just graduated from junior high school and I'am looking forward to the new life in senior high school.It's a turn in my life so I have many thought.Throughout the last 3 years,I've learnt a lot.Not only I've received scientific knowledges from my dearest teachers,but also have experienced some wonderful things.I'm thankful for the recent days.However,rather than the past,the future is more important to me.life is given to me but once.I need to treasure my high school time.Actually,I've made some plans:First of all,i need to attend a club to exercise my overall abilities.Then,I also have to take an active part in extracurricular.Next,I should think much of my school and try to attend a good university.In the end,wish I will have a great life in high school.


My second year in junior high school life ended。


)Looking back the last two years of life,I learned a lot of knowledge and I made many good friends.(回望这两年的生活,我学到了许多知识,交到了许多朋友。

)Although I still have many shortcomings,I will try to correct.(尽管我还有许多缺点,但我会尽力改正。

)I will study harder in the third year of junior high school and not to be naughty any longer.(我将会在初三的时候更加努力学习而且不会再淘气。

)I am looking forward to the new term.(我很期待新学期的到来。

)I will listen to the teacher more carefully.(我将会更加认真听老师讲课。

)When my classmates have difficulties in their study ,I will try to help them.(当我的同学在学习上有困难,我将会尽力去帮助他们。

)If I do like this ,I will be very happy.(如果我这样做我会很开心。

)How I wish the new term to come!(我多么希望新学期的到来啊!)希望你满意


ladies and gentlemen,I'm a 20-old boy,I call myself a boy just because I have a naivety mind.I'm a man who are going to be adult,I call myself a man just because I have everything that being a man required.Ah!At fact ,I don't know so much about myself.I always show you a happy appearance but it isn't always true to my inside.that is,I have worried too much,bothered too much,concerned too much,tired too much,sometimes I even want to give up my mind for good hope!In my opinion,one can feel the happiness only when he just went through the hard times .Misery in the pastbrings the happiness at the present.Maybe one's life can be divided into several periods:infancy ,childhood,the early youth,youth,the adult,the middle age and the old age.I'm in the period of youth,which is the bridge between the early youth and the adult.I erish the early youth for it brings me a lot of happiness.I look foraward the adult for I can do what l want without the restrictions and preventions from others.one will always grow with gaining many lessons and I suppose I'v got a lot of precious experiences.thank you !


中文 我的视力关于未来的工作正如我们所konwn那个硬币都有两面当然,作为一个人没有区别当我是一个学生现在,我有很多的异象关于未来的工作。


总之,我希望我将会从事辉煌未来. 从现在起,我将继续努力学习,这样我可以贡献自己我的职业生涯的一天。

英语My vision about the future of work As we all konwn that one coin has two sides.Of course,there is no difference as a person.When i am a student now,i have lots of visions about the future of work. Firstly,i will become a consultant if i work hard and always believe in myself.The major is my favourite and it's so rewarding to see the opus when finished.I believe that i can make my due contribution for my company after my endeavor.Secondly,it's necessary to have an ideal working environment which can usually improve work efficiency.As the proverb goes,time is money.What's more,the relationship between colleagues is very important for me.Only you get along well with each other,can you find pleasure in serious work environment. In conclusion, i hope i will do brilliantly in my career in future.From now on,i will go on studying harder so that i can contribute myself to my career one day. 还可以吧、也许、

求一份英语作文 是关于 珍惜现在展望未来的

the money can represent everything, this is the quality? This is a stage it? Worthy of so many people to see it? Now? Why, now people are not Haohao De treasure it all, can not it be nice in this world, you are not satisfied with your life, or do you ever jealous of other people than you..? Think of your children and some junior high school in reading, and so admitted to high school, college? Money can replace friends, instead of affection, instead of loveBefore I never had a good treasure there now have all, in the kicks, why others flies so good? Me? Now know, the old me is how stupid the suffering of their own making to bear, is not it. In fact, their own wishful thinking, lead us not to treasure. , a good recall, is really sincere towards your friends, whether she was the most difficult times you have to help her .? Before us have difficulty seeing good friends, and always extended a helping hand, now, and you may not see the kids studying in the field? Why is it seen as important, I know that money is indispensable in our lives things, but for the money.., but the child of a person lost at home for the money.. ., is surrounded by a crowd of people, as the vast sky, flashes were a few shining stars ;ll know that your life is very good, there are treasure is it.., no love, you always think they earned enough money; win the battle to the death, please think about it? In fact, our life is very simple to the very complex and unnecessary, but it seems we all forgot one word - tolerance, human heart really very narrow it.. .. , you want something more, you want superior treatment than others .. Now the people have never thought about to sit down and calm.... ., a bit small for, kicked cursed, at a friend turn against you with the past, adults, there is stop and listen to a music? A happy smile it? Have you looked up to see the stars, and so married and busy with work and even see the my child is in need you love, not money, love? Necessary? Your kids are only material, then regret may finished ., love their families, teachers and classmates. Haohao De cherish all right now, once lost, human thought, all human, complaining, hate, so that we become more familiar with what went before us, who thank all of our world, no one knows, as no longer to find the lost doll does not come .. Think carefully, hate. Love, because "money&quot, as long as think about it, you'! Why? Why do not we cherish all now have, in fact, melancholy.. Fame and fortune, which is the world's adults, can not be divorced from them, our emotions as we do and change around, following that


展开全部 Years the footsteps of great haste, no time to last year, waved and went to the front of the New Year. New Year always gives a lot of vision, too many of the Imagination.I do not want north wind Yanqu the past, do not want to cover all the winter snows. Over the past number of memories, how many stories, even the pain is a setback, are worth pondering and reflection. But do not want to wallow in the past, under the shackles of old, even if successful, is glory. Because in the past, after all, the past, is in a life time period. New Year is the new starting point, a new beginning.Out of the dull loneliness of siege, the stroll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze. Look at the mountains after the winter solstice the beginning Fan Qing, thawing river mischievously forward flow into the fields emitting little green head, is New Year's good news in the report. You will sincerely feel what a happy New Year to all, life is so beautiful.When I stand here today the threshold of the New Year, a solemn, sacred feeling of the heart is for us. The new year will be an unusual year, is worth a lifetime memory for one year. This year there will be a historical event for the number of excited and proud of you, everyone's life will be opened during the year a new chapter will redouble their efforts to forge ahead. Many of life will be missing in the year to shake up the cause of the failure will be successful in the past year, the family is more healthy and happy during the year, love to live in even more variety this year brilliant. In short, everything, everything, the New Year is a show in front of the Cotai Strip, so you go in life with pride glory.New Year, there are many of the Imagination, everyone will be interpreted with action, so that Imagination into reality. Regardless of turnover year after year, regardless of the cycle of seasons, the New Year will bring you your new beautiful! 年伟大的脚步匆忙,没有时间去年,挥了挥手,跑到了前面的新年。


















New term is coming,all things have changed,but one thing I have never forgot,which is studying studying and studying.Next term,I will went the senior school,so I must do a good job in entrance exam of senior school.As these reason,I plan a design for my study.The first thing,I will never waste my time again,you know Franklin said :"Never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today." I will do it as good as Words of Franklin.The second,I will ask more questions which is a puzzle for me.Because of these things can let me understand all of knowledge in book very well.

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