

The text make an exception in chapter 5_3000字

  • 作者: 楼上老王
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-02

Sit medicine bathtub ChengSi yan excited, hands can't help but to touch his eyes.Although the eyes closed, she also can feel it in the sight of the light changes.She can "see" the gray spot by bright dim, like was blocked by something.Etc. She will hand open, she can "see" again to the gray light from dark to bright!

ChengSi yan could not help frequently with the hand on the front cover and remove the, cover, and feel the scratch in the gray light, like place oneself in the heaven!

That kind of feeling, never lose the light feel.

Wang looked back and saw ChengSi yan in the action of the bathtub, think she is naughty, say with smile: "yan son, up. Potions have cold."Said to walk past, bending over to embrace from medicine bath ChengSi yan at the age of five, with a clean piece of big towel around her white tender small body, also took a piece of towel to wipe her hair.

ChengSi yan in medicine the bathtub excited because of the change of the sight of the light, and from the day before yesterday to yesterday's "breathtaking journey", even if she is not a real within five years old child, but her body to carry not to live.

ChengSi yan muttered a few words, then head a slanting, fell asleep on wang's shoulder.

Because the wang lovingly kissed ChengSi yan Fifi on the cheek, put down her arms to the bed in the room, then cover the quilt, let her sleep.

ChengSi yan that sleep a day and a night's sleep.

When she woke up again, it was already the second day early in the morning.

Sunshine outside, although it is in the twelfth month, sunlight and temperature, but the cold wind howling than ever I do not know how many times either.

ChengSi yan and wang give her put on thick cotton-padded jacket, and gave her net surface comb my hair, let her eat some strange things.

ChengSi yan know something is snake gall, marinated in the medicinal liquor can bright eye.Although tastes strange, she is still holding your nose into the swallow.

After eating, as usual, the wang asked her, "what feeling? What seems to be the trouble? Where is the problem? Eyes today? What can you see?"

ChengSi yan xi xi a smile, the wang will provide a surprise, then, as ever, as usual, shook his head, "no. There was no uncomfortable, nor comfortable. Eyes like that, in the dark, dark, see?"

Wang's "well", not disappointed, also not be discouraged.She knew ChengSi yan eye disease is brought in the womb, it is not easy to cure it.

Maybe all her life, she is not cure ChengSi yan eye diseases.

She is not so smart the wu big housewife of zheng LingHui...

"Niang, finished eating, I want to take the goods out around."ChengSi yan blinked gray eyes, pointed to the door.

Wang didn't notice, ChengSi yan this time, actually is just good refers to the location of the gate!And her eyes, in according to come in from the gate of the sun, the subconscious narrow narrow...

If it is true the blind, it is impossible to feel the light of dazzling...

"Go ahead. I'll give you the goods o right away."Wang went to the outhouse with the wealth of the rope, come to ChengSi yan to hand.

"Mom, I was out!"ChengSi yan said happily, then took the money out to "walk".

Came to the village of small stones on the road, the road has been to greet her.

The raw jade snow and lovely, but the eyes blind girl, WangGu Village people really love her, her poor, daily special care for her.

ChengSi yan people beautiful sound sweet, though invisible, but greeting people gossip, but have no account.

The village people feel ChengSi yan in particularly good mood today, sweet smile to people, to everyone's mood is good.

"Wang Erge, you again behind sheng home sister?"A seven or eight year old boy jumped out from the room, with around a teenager.

Then, there are several girl in the village and up again, he was called "Wang Erge"!

ChengSi yan heard in front and tugs at the hand goods o rope, stopped and looked back to say with smile: "be Wang Erge?"Coily say, have forward outstretched hands.

This is he took her hand.

Before ChengSi YanGang walking, like to play ran out from home.She cannot see, but I very want to move around, not like a normal defective child, very anxious to hide, don't let others see their defects.

The blind girl that stumbled at the village to run small, let countless people's pity, everyone is willing to look at her, take care of her.

Especially the neighbor's kid Wang Erzhu.He ranked second in the home, the village people all call him "two", the child was called him "Wang Erge".

Every time ChengSi yan ran out from home, Wang Erge certainly looked at her silently behind her.

This time is no exception.

Wang Erge walk quickly with a smile, holding ChengSi yan's hand, when asked her, "how to see you yesterday?"

"I sleep at home. The day before yesterday to go to Beijing, very tired very tired."ChengSi yan darling tunnels.

"You go to Beijing?The children in the village.

A little girl in his preteens favour way: "my cousin is in the capital, just from the city came to my house to play?"Said pulled the sleeve of her cousin, "huh? Cousin?"

Her cousin smiled, reserved tunnel: "our family is just to live in the capital, it's not a big deal."

Busy ChengSi yan way: "cousin very fierce, can live in the capital!"Put the elevation, the other words too much.

ChengSi yan will no longer speak, and smiling with ears to hear each other said the capital.

The girl's cousin said a bustling city, and was sorry to see ChengSi yan way: "what a fearful, you have such a beautiful woman in the village. But the eyes can not see, is really a great riches and honour after otherwise. - this appearance, I followed my niang walk in a large house, also have not seen a few."

Cousin busy ChengSi yan way: "I'm flattered. I am here is very good. You are good to me, and see my eyes can't see, they are all the same to me. This is good!"

The children in the village with laughter.

The little girl said: "si yan mother in help to cure her eyes. Just for several years, are also not good. - she often into the snake, for YanZhi eyes. Second my family and all the king brother home, often send her the viper."

The town's cousin listened to, side head wanted to think, way: "why don't you go to cure others? It's a pity that sheng home didn't, otherwise they are, your eyes must have healed."

ChengSi yan but smile remained silent, just nodded, like in the echo.

Cousin in the city saw ChengSi yan doesn't seem to understand, again busy way: "you don't know in the country. I say with you, you know psychic wu s? Is the wu public is very rich, his family's chong, grandma is close disciple of master sheng home. Home he never accept outside apprentice, only teach home clique children. But the grand grandma said to be really smart, love heart, only to home he do make an exception and accept her disciple."

"You mean, let think yan find the chong grandma put eyes?"Wang Erge shine at the moment, quickly asked.

Cousin in the city with a smile looked Wang Erge handsome appearance, in the heart laments that beauty is in the village, and said: "if you can let her treat. Don't you know? Chong's grandmother had a daughter, with si yan age. Heard that the lady was born, is a blind, but grandma chong superior skill, threw her daughter's eyes cured!"

