

Chapter 22 eye disease_3000字

  • 作者: 亖呉?盀
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-06

"You're ChengSi yan?Zheng Suxin immediately expose pleasantly surprised expression on her face, she turned and walked to come over, stood firm in front ChengSi yan, squats down slowly in front of her, his hands holding her on the shoulder, gently asked: "you are the test the first girl?"

Zheng Suxin attitude change too fast, ChengSi yan said don't adapt.She is surprised to open mouth, silently watching Zheng Suxin magnified the handsome one in front of her face.

"We once met? I see how are you familiar with..."Zheng Suxin contemplated ChengSi yan's face carefully, and gently caresses the caresses her cheek.

The fingers are cold and satiny, like a snake glides on ChengSi yan face, let her shudder, even after the neck hair stand on end.

ChengSi yan twisted twist a head, to avoid Zheng Suxin fingers, frowning way: "have no, have not seen."

Chan-juan wu by several bondmaids bitch around, tidy up the wound in the forehead, pain heads, saw her mother to the wicked smart nicely wicked smart girl to talk to, immediately the spirit the stamping stamping, so a way: "niang --!"

Zheng Suxin look back chan-juan wu, wanted to say something about her, but saw her forehead wounds, and her face of injustice, in the heart a soft, stood up and touched the ChengSi yan head, touch way: "you come with me, I have something to ask you."Said, and turned toward the chan-juan wu, took her hand and went out.

ChengSi yan don't want to go with her, but the somebody else is the big boss.Big boss sent the words, she can not go to?

ChengSi yan with sadly behind weren, to want to let women to learn special guests of a room.

Zheng Suxin first examined the chan-juan wu forehead wounds.

The wound is not shallow, saw a pit over there.Even if the wound healing, disfigured is sure.

The wus bondmaids crone are extremely sorry, big love their home, miss glared at ChengSi yan the "culprit".

Zheng Suxin saw and advised them with a smile: "it's okay. Her children home don't understand, you don't blame her."

ChengSi see chan-juan wu yan looks up the wounds of the forehead, the in the mind is also a jump.She and wang's study medicine more than half a year, she could see, chan-juan wu on his forehead, is liable to leave a "pit".- disfigured, for the girls in the world, is a great misfortune.

ChengSi yan some guilt, she murmured tunnel: "sorry..."

Chan-juan wu angered a way: "say sorry useful? Have you come here, let me put your head down a hole, again say sorry to you, would you?"

ChengSi yan sip sip lip, andao clearly is you deserve, I sorry, let you drill a loophole, visible for these people like to push your luck, "sorry" these three words, is absolutely can't blather.The present was tightly shut up, no longer speak.

Zheng Suxin he laughed: "well, you don't be noisy. Is but a small wound, it's okay."Said pityingly smooth your chan-juan wu forelock, "niang will give you cure, can don't have any scars."

"Really?!"Chan-juan wu's face suddenly lit up.She is the most afraid of is to leave a scar.But now that niang said there was no scars, that is certainly not a scar, her most believe niang words!

ChengSi yan is very surprised.She could see, chan-juan wu forehead wounds, should be hurt dermis.Injury to the level of the wound, it must be to leave a scar.The Zheng Suxin medicine really so smart, even all the injured have to leave a scar?

But to think of his mother wang is not light with herbs, need not do surgery, take their natural blind eyes were cured?

ChengSi yan to calm down.The world is not the same as the world of her previous life, she had become accustomed to.

Even be here qiong precious jade grandma's masterpiece, what is also worth she surprised?

"Niang when deceive you?"Zheng Suxin small smiled and patted her on the shoulder, turn eyes looked ChengSi yan, looked her up and down again, always feel very familiar feeling, but it can't think of where I met her again.

ChengSi yan in the heart secretly made a face, andao chong grandma your memory didn't your sister so well.We last year in the twelfth month in shen nong fu sheng door not had once?I don't remember it was a blind man, your appearance is understandable.You're not blind, why can't remember my face?

Of course, she also is in poking fun at heart.She also knows that she is a little soil in the small village girls, chong grandma tall as identity, with a glimpse at that time will remember her appearance is a ghost...

Chan-juan wu know they won't be a disfigured, in a good mood, also less resistance to ChengSi yan, but she still clinging to the ChengSi yan way: "you just did in doze off, you don't want to admit it."

ChengSi yan: "= =".A big miss wu, let's don't mention the quarrel?

Followed over long see female mountain, busy clearance way: "chong grandma, you have a lot of adults, many forgives inclusion. This little girl only entrance soon, rules haven't learned all. Besides, she is a poor man, the eye is blind from birth, at the beginning of this year was her mother cure. Otherwise, she can't go to school."

Zheng Suxin a listen to these words, and his face changed again change, and she is surprised to pull ChengSi yan, look carefully again.

This time, she transfixed staring at ChengSi yan's eyes.

Very delicate outline that is a pair of eyes, is all can't see is blind.ChengSi yan was a child, on the face facial features is not long, just look where is the meat, especially sweet.

"Born to be the blind girl?"Zheng Suxin mumbling tunnel, "that's not from the womb? - from the womb of eye disease, it's not easy to cure...

"Yes, it is not easy. You do not even the big miss of eye diseases from the womb? Say, the two of you really decree by destiny?"That female study of female mountain long help ChengSi yan clearance, desperately LaJinHu.She is a good man, to the inside of the school students regardless of origin, family, are all alike.And for ChengSi yan such poor small out of the little girl, more care.

Zheng Suxin smiled and said: "but yun's eye diseases can good, all is in the home remedies."Then ask ChengSi yan, "niang you cure your eye disease? What she is to use the prescription?"

ChengSi yan, don't know what to say.Each prescription is not a secret?How can such a big smiles to ask other people's secret recipe?

Zheng Suxin seems to have no thought of the problem.She met frowned, looked again at ChengSi yan eyes, light shake head a way: "no home remedies, from the womb of eye disease is cured."

"But my mom really healed my eye diseases."ChengSi yan subconscious retorts.

Zheng Suxin smiled and said: "it shows that your eye disease not tire of, should be infected after birth."
