

Chapter 34 goodbye_3000字

  • 作者: 我的名字常么么么么么么么么么么么么么
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-08

ChengSi yan should, will the book away, went back tub bubble hot tub.

After washing, she tidy up the room, the etc. Wang came in with a tub of water.

She although full ten years old this year, but strength is not big enough to pick up a bucket of water.

Besides the wang also love her, forbid her to do the heavy work, worried about her hand made.

ChengSi yan kept themselves when village, also want to play more strength, can't grow up later, even pick up a bucket of water, also really put himself when a charming young lady.For wang's stubborn, and she has some funny, but also very moved.

Of wang's mother, is her blessing.Although home broken, but I still miss her as big.- the wang does not know the daughter "eutrophic" idea, but she has been acting on...

The wang see ChengSi facial wash finished, come over to carry out the dirty water out, and break down with her.

The second day early in the morning, Wang Shihe ChengSi yan in the plain clothes, wearing a white silver, two people, each carrying a box sitting on the small donkey carts, into the capital.

These four years, the wang by treating the villagers, and up the hill to pick herbs, dried to send the money in the city, or saved up some money.

Home to eat better than before, also added a donkey car instead of walking.

The carriage, bullock carts is don't want to, they couldn't afford to keep horses, yet also for cattle.

Donkey carts are quite good.

ChengSi yan is very good.

One and a half hour later, they came to the shennong fuqian home.

Like every year over the past 15 years, there are people spontaneously to sacrifice.

Five years ago, they also met here come to sacrifice to the chong grandma.

But chong grandmother seem only to that time, didn't come later.

At least then ChengSi yan their sacrifice of time, have not seen chong grandma.

The wang will hamper the inside to take out the food and drinks, on the ground, and with three wick sweet, and bowed down with ChengSi yan.

Bow down around shennong mansion of ordinary people is very much also.

ChengSi yan quietly guess, the people here should be the shennong mansion when YaoWangMiao come to worship, have no matter to bye, burn column, is probably the meaning of "sick sick, disease-free self-defense"...

Wang Shihe ChengSi yan ke three head, was about to get up, he saw a man came over and shoulder knelt beside the wang, shen nong fu ke three XiangTou.

Wang Shihe ChengSi yan got a fright.

The wang side head, stare at the man, trying to threaten him to bow down somewhere else, do not harass them, suddenly see the side face of the man, not from low to let out a cry and put his hand over his mouth and uncontrolled body shook.

ChengSi yan had never seen the wang gaffes, at that time is also very curiously looked at the man.

I saw the man looks very ﹑, jaws a wisp of stubble, eyebrow eyes clear, fair complexion, is very gentle, personable.Wearing a big grey gown, is some old.

"... niang, are you ok?"ChengSi yan says softly, with his hand pushed the wang's arm.

The wang back, his mouth with a whimper, cried aloud: "- seven ye, you come back."

The man tilting head, looking at the wang, a gentle smile, "crying? I this is not come back?"Said, and looked as he and wang ChengSi interest yan, asked: "is our daughter she...?"

The body of the wang and shake a shake, and the use of burying his face in a vail and sobbed say two words, probably seems to be in to the "seven ye", I'm sorry, but said she could not give birth to a son, of anything.

Understood ChengSi yan, smiling CuiShengSheng to call the man 1: "dad!"And advise the wang, "niang, dad came back now, can you and dad give me a brother!"

The man laughed, holding the wang stood up, nodding way: "is. As long as the green hills last, so afraid of not firewood. Since I came back, natural girl can endure hardship, won't make you. - for years, is really suffering of both of you girl."

Wang's calmed down, small track: "... there is no hard."

ChengSi yan was unceremoniously to follow a way: "... very hard!

The wang stared ChengSi yan one eye, "don't talk nonsense in front of dad!"

"I which have?!"ChengSi yan defy spirit with the wang, then just "niang, we really had a bitter......"

ChengSi yan dark eyes going round and round to go, very anxious to the wang apparent12: this is your man, you have an obligation to act to him!He has an obligation to take care of our mother and daughter!Did you eat bitter, must let him know, otherwise, the bitter be free.Of course, even without a bear, so not seen for years, slightly exaggerated, what also have no.- and sex between husband and wife......

The man smile, looking at pulling ChengSi yan, asked her: "you is ten years old this year?"

ChengSi yan nodded, "the whole ten years old."

May be father and daughter blood nature, ChengSi yan for the man a little unfamiliar feeling all have no, conveniently took his arm, and she whispered: "father, for so many years, where were you? I thought..."

"Think what?"

"Thought I didn't dad......"ChengSi yan said, embarrassed to stick out the tongue.

The man laughed, touched her head, way: "you this child, really pretty will nonsense!"

The wang looked at the father don't have any gap, immediately self-invited ripe, also awkward, shan shan tunnel: "have words to say. So not seen for years, seven ye, have you been?"

The man was about to speak, suddenly felt a chill.

The cold so obvious, even always very hardy afraid of hot ChengSi yan made a chill.

What's the matter?It's going to snow?

ChengSi yan looked up at the day.

The sky is still bright and beautiful, although it is the twelfth month, but there was no sign of snow.

Again the next moment, ChengSi yan understand the source of the chill.

Because she saw a black man, sad not live, like from the ground, standing beside her father sheng qi ye.

Cold is coming from the man.

That man looks young, head wearing a green dragon crown, the crown with a black beads, as big as a chicken eggs, bead light ying ying.His hair was tsing lung crown, behind, hung to her shoulders.Dark hair hanging down a few silk, forehead scattered over his brow, is the color of his skin is very white, white to transparent.On his long black eyebrows, brow, like a sharp blade.Eyes, some sag more high bridge of the nose straight without.

ChengSi yan couldn't help staring at the man's nose and took one look.The nose is to take a ruler, draw out true is too straight, it's "increases the specific provisions of a long, minus one part wide".

Whether what kind of person, as long as there is a pipe without nose, this is certainly not ugly.

What's more, the man not only has a tube of perfect nose, and almost syllabic eyebrow peak, slender eyes deep, a pair of his thin rather pale, but the lip.

The facial features, even more beautiful.

See in the eye, like a rainbow full day, mistbow penetration, let a person dazzling.

He seemed to see ChengSi yan looking at him.Dark eyes that she turned a circle, then charge back, look at sheng qi ye, rev. Lips and said: "sheng qi ye, that I will go back."

His voice low and smooth, like a good velvet, hear in your ear, very comfortable.

How can have such a person?Is really from top to bottom, from inside to outside, all beauty...

ChengSi yan in the heart, look elsewhere.

Sure enough the shennong fuqian, gawking at the black man, seems to have been shocked his beauty.

Sheng qi ye nodded, "weeks childe go first. I go home to visit another day."Say, arch hand.

ChengSi yan a listen to "big childe" four word, snap back, staring at the man suddenly to scrutiny.

The man seemed to realize ChengSi facial gaze, slightly impatient, for the sheng qi ye nodded and turned to a few ZongYue, rabbit Gu fall, sleeve windward summoned the black robe, like a huge black bat, soon disappeared in the sight of the people.

Shennong fuqian cold chill vanished.

ChengSi yan took sheng qi ye asked: "dad, who's that?"

"He is Zhou Huaixuan. God will Zhou Fu big childe."Sheng qi ye looked at the back of the man disappeared, regrets tunnel.
