

Chapter 40 at st._3000字

  • 作者: 我的男神是帅比i
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-05

"ChengZong, bosom hin is how to return a responsibility? You or a pipe? How restlessly in their own homes is fine, and how to make the relatives go?"Mrs Zhou Lao blame weeks general Zhou Chengzong softly.

Zhou Chengzong didn't speak, just "well", said.

Zhou Lao lady also want to ask, the spring equinox has outside Yang track: "the old lady, the handmaiden from porch young master came back yard."

"Come on in."Zhou Lao Mrs Yang channels, let Zhou Chengzong sit down again.

Zhou Chengzong sit very straight, is obvious military style.

Came in the spring, the old people and Zhou Chengzong respectively f a blessing, just way: "just went back to the old lady's words, the handmaiden porch young master of the yard."

"Huai hin? How did not come with you?"Mrs Zhou Lao interrupted the vernal equinox, looked behind her, didn't see see Zhou Huaixuan, just asked in a hurry.

The vernal equinox smile apologetically a way: "the old lady don't worry. Is that the handmaiden went to just know, pregnant hin a good master yesterday evening, didn't sleep for a night, this morning, didn't go to sleep in the past. Handmaiden, bosom master xuan is still in bed?"

"A good again?"Zhou Chengzong and asked Mrs Zhou Lao chorus, a shock.

"Chen xiang said.The vernal equinox will launch to do big girl Zhou Huaixuan aloes shield.

Zhou Chengzong stood up, way: "niang, I look at the porch."Paused, added: "with hin last night, what, two siblings yard cat cat dog is how to die, is to don't care about hin?"

"You go. Who CARES those cats and dogs...Mrs Zhou Lao frown even tighter.And the most valuable office grandson, illegitimate child daughter-in-law yard to the cat and dog is simply isn't worth mentioning.

However the vernal equinox stopped Zhou Chengzong, "big ye, nguyen with my father-in-law to the palace, is waiting on the second, you entered the palace, the queen mother."

"Ruan with for?"Zhou Chengzong a surprised, busy turned to Mrs Zhou Lao way: "niang, I advanced palace. Pregnant hin, I let his mother to see."

"Go go, and business matters."Zhou Lao lady busy. "I let the vernal equinox to daughter-in-law say 1 with you."

Zhou Chengzong should, hurriedly to the second.

On the second rendezvous with ruan, together with the palace with him.

The original queen mother carried him into the palace, is to let him to escort at the back of the imperial palace, to the bell confirmed.

Zhou Chengzong was speechless.He is our enemy general, not the palace when the decoration as body-guard...

But the queen mother of an imperial decree, who dare not from?

This is toward the said system in the queen mother, is no ordinary queen mother.

"I supposed decline!"Zhou Chengzong no matter like it or not, all bring to the job.

From then on, are through Zhou Chengzong into the imperial palace.He is the will of god will honor, a pair of sharp eyes.Heart in ghosts were sweep his eyes, it's hard not to expose.

Have a week to general, into the imperial palace finally no longer have the "entropy" killer pretend to be happy.

But the curative effect of offering or little, no one can make bell situation has improved.

Zheng Suxin these days also guard day and night, in his palace with the queen mother, be responsible for rescue bell.

The imperial doctor of medicine, and finally had to Zheng Suxin this.She said you can try to sent to bell mouth.

It's a pity that in the past more than a month, not one of the imperial doctor can really cure bell emperor's illness.

The stench of bell mouth emperor have become more and more obvious, even took a breath * * stench.

Zheng Suxin know, this is the bell of the emperor in relieving start ruined...

If you don't have good medicine can play a role, summer they dynasty, had to undergo a change.

"Queen, you are tired these days, or go to rest away. I woman, go back to it to see the child."Zheng Suxin very tenderly advised the queen mother.

The queen looks into dragon lying on the bed bell of the emperor, whispered: "hath not tired, you go first."

Zheng Suxin low, with a sigh with mop dry canthus, bend backwards out of the bell the living quarters for the emperor, hurried back to the wu.

In her view, bell emperor died demise, the wu, they need to prepare for the new emperor effort.

The new emperor is, of course, his royal highness, the prince.

His royal highness, the prince and queen 7) for 15 years, finally this year.

General Zheng Suxin left the palace, weeks just carrying another offering into the palace.

This time, is the sheng qi ye with the prescription and the important medicine blindly into the palace.

He was originally prepared medicine blindly, but this time, to the queen mother advised Zheng Suxin, is treating the emperor, everyone into the imperial palace can only take medicine.Medicinal materials to be prepared in the palace of medicinal herbs, lest any man should behave in such a way that deliberately in medicine with something else that was tough.

Queen mother feel right, allow her.

The move, really works, at least let some sinister messed up condition.- preparing for a long time of "drugs" was not to use it, many plans can only give up...

So hate Zheng Suxin there are many.

Sheng qi ye signing up to receive offering place, I met Zhou Chengzong with Zhou Huaixuan walking out.

Zhou Huaixuan and sheng qi ye also is one of the old knowledge, is to introduce the origin of sheng qi ye to Zhou Chengzong.

"Sheng qi ye? Are you really...?"Ask Zhou Chengzong with eye contact, sheng qi ye really has to do with shennong mansion.

Sheng qi ye say with smile: "will your majesty and other rescue after wake up, we will have a long wine."

Sheng qi ye say so sure, Zhou Chengzong is very happy.

Maybe this time, bell emperor really saved.

Cheng family, always not common.

The last time he sucks, isn't he had a medical problem, but because he eyesight fails, to bell emperor to eat the wrong medicine...

Zhou Chengzong immediately with sheng qi ye entered the palace.

One Zhou Chengzong Zhou Huaixuan now in his father's do QinBing, followed.

Came to the palace, sheng qi ye gift for the queen mother, say "at the seventy-three generation Sun Cheng shennong government seven KouJian empress dowager empress!"

The frost queen mother snap stand up, face mask, nu way: "home guard sheng seven? Are you hold? House of mourning clearly remember sun sheng, the seventy-third generation only six sons, this seven, you come from? Does anyone deceit gentleman to confusion, deception ai home?!"

Deceit gentleman to confusion, but to deal with the rhythm of the way.

Shen nong fu sheng's house has been with her, of course, a way for a time, cut again, also can cut through the net.

Sheng qi ye calm tunnel: "the queen mother empress, and didn't go to deceive the queen mother. Just I a special case. I sick since I was a child, my father took a variety of means, treat bad, finally only will I give up, I this is good."

Becoming a monk who, of course, would not be family, and he went to the temple, had not yet come on genealogy, so there is no in the tree house.

Then suddenly sheng home be with her way, the queen mother just let a person in accordance with the family genealogy beheadings, so will hold seven ye has been omitted.

But how can so qiao?

Queen mother still some doubts, she looked at the head beam bun sheng qi ye, sarcasm asks: "... a monk monk?"

Monks, of course, do not grow hair.

Sheng qi ye smiled to smile, saying: "I secularization fifteen years ago."

Fifteen years ago, of course, is the home is with the way that year, is bell emperor into today's "dead" in that year.

Looking at queen mother some palpitation, sheng qi ye, see the way he ﹑, indeed sheng (the same with young, then a moment a little way: "let it be, if you can cure the emperor, I will forgive the SINS of sheng home, let you attack."

Sheng qi ye hand way: "incoming jue dare not. However, I hope to be able to let me fill the home with her grave."

Sheng home be with her way, the cheng family was killed, now lie in a buried coffin, also is put in the shen nong fu sheng home.Because the queen mother, are not allowed to be buried family, to make them like his majesty, not on the day, not to, bear endless pain.

Queen mother determined to act decisively.She paused, way: "the first to see how you want to save the emperor."Say that finish, internal shi ruan fellow: "pleasant, XuanZheng entered the palace, he said, home discovers the posterity with prescription into the palace, let her to taste the true and false."Her husband is a pleasant Zheng Suxin, the letters patent closure Wu Changge is five, five products officer, his wife is the letters patent closure and pleasant.So the queen mother called her "pleasant" zheng ".

