

Chapter 63 welcome feast_3000字

  • 作者: 李二驴
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-03

"To call yun to son, I have something to say to her."Zheng Suxin commanded his servant girl cinnamon, ask another big servant girl angelica dahurica again: "characterized by a young girl's bedroom in the horse donkey brought bankcard son do clothes?"

Summer the wu from dynasty since its founding, is the top clubs, inheritance for one thousand, now has been untold Weng corner o9ccf wei, the home of luxurious life.

In food and live line, has its own set of rules.

The wu is always with ministers in the money in the world, past dynasties householder is rough streamline temper again, save a wealthy estate.The wus swan-shaped hospital, is dedicated to the wu do clothes, jewelry, and fire porcelain, make furniture and build houses, clause.Keep of craftsmen tiangong, only less than royal craftsman, almost.

Zheng Suxin though is from one of the four big families beep, beep but handed down in the notes, not compared with is famous for its very complicated.

She has just married to the wu, has also been the wus very surprised.

Of course, to the wu dynasties home under the main streamline temperament, to raise the offspring of money or difficult.

Zheng Suxin discreet and thrifty, wu he is very satisfied, for her early let Mrs Wu will host ZhongKui power to Zheng Suxin.

To marry into the wu more than ten years, Zheng Suxin now have become accustomed to this kind of rich and hide in the inside of the make public.

Cinnamon was brought to chan-juan wu, please.

Angelica dahurica forward step, smile apologetically a way: "back to the lady, ma bitch yesterday to send clothes, handmaiden worry package a night there will be a crease in the baggage. So yesterday was hanging on the side of the hanger. Such as the second girl to come over, handmaiden will give the girl put on the clothes take over."

Although chan-juan wu eldest daughter is big room office.But the wus fannie and Freddie's eldest daughter office Wu Chanying two years older than her.The wu old man and the old lady still alive, four room had no separation.The children of the grandchildren are the lines together.

House servant here are used to call chan-juan wu is two girls.

"Is in order, it's most thoughtful of you than I am."Zheng Suxin smiled and praised the angelica dahurica, took the gargle tea wash mouth, went to the bath room whole ZhengZhuang again.When she came out, chan-juan wu has been hanging about in her room.

Chan-juan wu the high back of inclined to sit by the window on the soft chair, both hands chin, looking at the windowsill with water with two water lily trance.

The water lily is light purple haze, timidly on the morning of the morning, stretches the tender lotus petals.Clothing., seems to be the morning sun has weight, low to the lotus petals, and with purple crystal flower) in the snow mountain spring water bouncing.

Amethyst crystal clear, clear spring water, like a mirror, which reflects chan-juan wu otherworldly appearance.

According to spend before and after the mirror, physiognomy cheng, is such a beautiful picture...

Especially her a double pupil.So dark, so powerful, two long long lashes black as crow wings, transverse jade-like stone white in the face.As two of arc, but with her heavy pupil more rounder, eyebrow eye more deep.

This is her daughter.Once blind himself daughter...

Zheng Suxin proud smile on his face, with "the home has miss early maturity," the light of joy.

"Mom. You are here."Chan-juan wu from the amethyst flowers) saw Zheng Suxin reflection coming, busy back laughed.Stood up.

Chan-juan wu, like Zheng Suxin, tall, although is only 12 years old, but already 14 years old than her cousin Wu Chanying were more than one head.

Appearance is born are handsome, plus a double pupil, in summer the whole dynasty of the family halls, no woman can match her daughter!

Zheng Suxin smiled and touched the fondle chan-juan wu on the cheek, asked her: "are you ready?"

Chan-juan wu nodded, snapping fingers the number, "in fact there's nothing to prepare. Today the man is seen before. A few weeks home elder brother elder sister, the cousin, the cousin, there are several ministers in Beijing, the son of the girl in the home, also not the first time to see."

Zheng Suxin smiled and said: "this is not the same. To see them before, you are a guest. To see them today, you are whose proprietor. And......"Zheng Suxin to look around and see no one in front of, again to chan-juan wu whispered: "this week's two lady, and princess who wants to come, even the queen mother empress out to our house to dinner today. The good opportunity, you must grasp the good."

Chan-juan wu was twelve years old, also know home to begin to debate kissed her.

And three rooms of the house of god will be weeks big room is DiChu, has a son.Big room, the wife of von rarely go out visit, this is for the first time.Three room, the wife of the wus Wu Yunji is their big aunt, chan-juan wu noted her aunt.Wu Yunji is Mrs Wu office girl, marry god will house weeks old office son, is a good kiss is closer.She came even gave birth to three sons, the office of the eldest branch office long daughter-in-law von than down.

Again because the office of the eldest branch office Zhou Huaixuan has been sick before, everyone put the hope of jue in three room office Zhou Huaili, who have no thought of, office of the eldest branch Zhou Huaixuan, incredibly still have disease good battlefield day!

"In short, you well for everybody, let everybody can feel at home, your tasks completed today."Zheng Suxin told chan-juan wu for the last time.

"Know, mom. How many times you said these days!"Chan-juan wu Chen said, "I am not a little boy, you just relax."

"You know you're not a child, remember that you can not willful again!"Chan-juan wu Zheng Suxin raised his voice warning.

The chan-juan wu in WangGu Village wants to let women will play a delicious thing, ChengSi yan Zheng Suxin over the years has been chan-juan wu ear, arrogant don't want her to get into such a domineering temper.

Chan-juan wu also regret over the years.Her temper is also very easygoing, also not dared not by man.

But only the ChengSi yan, even if not to irritate her, she is very anxious to fan a few slap each other!

Over the years, she was in the mother under the apparent12 gradually calm down, even if see ChengSi yan again, she also can remain indifferent.

"Niang. Today is welcome for ChengGuoGong feast, everyone must have been around the ChengGuoGong wife, daughter. Mother you just relax. I'll entertain them."Chan-juan wu riant tunnel.

Zheng Suxin dark I feel, as long as ChengSi yan didn't come.His daughter is able to cope with such a scene.

Only if the wang not miss the chance, really came with ChengSi yan?

That appeared to have eleven ChengSi yan, is also to act as matchmaker.

Zheng Suxin frowned, but looking, saw chan-juan wu came to the window, looking down the water lily light smell, that kind of gentle and lovely of indirect state, even oneself see heart will be stopped a few beat, has a heart of.

ChengSi yan little girl growing up in the countryside.Today even if it's coming, foil is destined to be your daughter.

Zheng Suxin stood up with a smile, let chan-juan wu back first.

Bactrian dynasty feast is in after dark.

But the guest is the door before dark.

Are generally in ShenShi when the guest is arriving together, to go to central scroll small sit, gossip, etc. It's getting dark again formal sitting.

Subsequently agreed to the palace to attend the welcome feast, but she can't eat in outside, so will only drop before dark past, and then back to the palace.

Because we all know that the queen mother empress want to Wu Guogong mansion, too.So guests arrive too early.

ShenShi not to, in addition to the queen mother, all guests took the post here.

Mrs Wu in the class of accompanied Zhou Lao Mrs, wang, who speak the princess's stepmother and Zheng Suxin kang.Because of the five grade is the same, according to the honour.Also when sitting together.

Mrs Wang, Zhou Lao Mrs, Mrs Wu and kang are frenzy, is one.The princess who is also in fujian.

Mrs Weeks general von is are two imperial mandate, a lower than the four of them.Among the other of them, however, would be her top.But because of her sister-in-law oh is Mrs Wu office girl.The somebody else is dying, feng is active to Mrs Wu beer-mugs. Go and sit in the first place to ohOneself sit to zheng he JiShi kang beneath the first the first position, two people sit close, chemistry than others, so also can talk.

Princess who looked at the house of Mrs Imperial mandate, asked with a smile Zheng Suxin standing to the side, "zheng, your home girl boy? How to don't call out to meet people?"

Zheng Suxin say with smile: "our family of four girls, rarely see the man. Today the guest, I gave them on the job, in the back garden of the small peach dock with sister sisters talk today? Some boy, anyway, age is not large, send the past together."

Bactrian dynasty of great men and women also is not very strict, not to the point of seven years old and not sit with a mat.

Side of Mrs Wu also say with smile: "I am old, love a quiet. The little girl together chirp, like one hundred lark, although the name is nice, but the ear bear!"

People roar with laughter in class.

The wang sitting beside princess who doesn't speak, just lightly smile, not out there.

Princess who's way: "haven't seen the wus ChengGuoGong lady 2 girl? She was born heavy pupil, say is the saint of!"

Zheng Suxin busy way: "the princess who I'm flattered. Her children home, where to understand these? I do the niang, as long as she can in peace for a lifetime, I will be satisfied!"

Just happy, the woman outside quickly jump in return: "empress dowager empress taken!!"

The house of the swish suddenly stood up.

Headed by princess who, Mrs Zhou Lao, Mrs Wu, Wang Shihe kang followed, then the other lady imperial mandate, go to outside to meet.

See empress dowager empress taken driving into the courtyard door, everybody then dropped to his knees in situ in the yard, pressing to a group of people.

With the queen mother yao taken drive and the female officer busy say with smile: "everybody up, please."

She is the generation of the queen mother to talk, the people in the yard all way "follow an imperial decree!"They got up and was greeted by a queen mother went to a central scroll up.

Queen mother looked up the wus central scroll, regrets tunnel: "the house of mourning or forty years ago, didn't think there is no change!"

Zheng Suxin had time to say two words witticisms, yao female officer has robbed a way: "the empress empress, you again not don't know who he is? Wu let master wu to pay money to fix the house, I'm afraid is harder than let zheng he write words book novel!"

Everyone wanted to think the old and the appearance of zheng he, wu followed laughing.

"Wu Guogong was in charge of the Treasury for so many years, just like the state Treasury in front of the mythical wild animal, not only out!"Queen mother smiled happily.Her face toward the said system for so many years, the summer dynasty, good powder to the state Treasury, the bell emperor ruling worse than not.

"Is the queen mother empress blessing. We master just doing their job."Mrs Wu is said humbly.

A line of people came to the class and sat down.

This time, sit down first, of course, is the queen mother empress.

She is a nice impression of the wang waved to her in the past, for she had given the kam pier, sitting beside the queen mother took her hand and asked her: "= how are you doing? See you thin than last time, but too busy housework? Do you want to cry, refers to an appropriate person to help you?"

Wang said with a smile: "I married for so many years in the countryside, do some of the energy shortage, so the center of suspension, day and night, lest ye frenzy disgrace to us. But now only a few of us, ok. After people, such as women do not come over, the queen mother empress even if not say, I married to the tian face to queen mother empress give several appropriate person to help you!"

Spoke quietly to the queen mother gave him the temptation turned back, but not all of a sudden death in my expression, but leave room for everything, also reminded the queen mother home thinly populated now, at the beginning of an imperial decree killed the queen mother nature of sheng home with embarrassed to mention giveth.

Zheng Suxin in present clearly, could not help but caught a glimpse of the wang quickly.- a rural village, why is this fitting?She'd see deluding themselves...

Queen mother listened to is a full face of smile, nod a way: "the house of mourning is also worried about you tired. Now that you can handle it, just go out whoever needs."Then turned to ask Zheng Suxin: "zheng, your daughter? Summer we dynasty the first heavy pupil, but a live baby!"

Zheng Suxin smiled and said: "recently she is young, and explain the woman worried about her unappreciative to upset people, let her in the garden to entertain and her sisters and brothers. About the size of the queen empress since want to see her, I married this is to let her come over."

Queen mother saw the princess who stood beside him in an instant, she asked with a smile: "only son also come? Call daughter home to take a look together. Last year, during the festival, son heard is the chicken pox, are now good?"

Princess who favour way: "good good, good early, but worry will, so more close at home for several months. Now the doctor said there would be no great danger, just make him come out to a person."

Spoke, the girl outside woman is surrounded by a group of less than 15 years old, son of the ladies came over.
