

Chapter 81 distance_3000字

  • 作者: 渣渣超人i
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-01

The wang leng leng, narrowing her eyes looked ChengSi yan, "said you are going to do? Where to?"

ChengSi yan clap his head smiled: "forget to say with niang, cattle flocculus to invite me to their homes of porridge tent whip-round, smooth, for what I said the house I want to ask mom, then go with her porridge tent to help."And embrace the arm of the wang's way: "niang, prince actually they can do this, we can! We filled the home shennong mansion, also countless living. Now such a big snow disaster, many people don't eat. Let's have the ability, if he should come to help?"

The appearance of the finals, let wang to get angry.She will arm out, put his arm around the ChengSi yan, smiled and whispered tunnel: "yan, dad is not at home, mother is the only one at home, you don't want to play with mom at home, with you...... still unborn baby brother, or little sister?"

ChengSi yan instantly stare big eyes, a surprise call way: "niang! You pregnant?!"

"What is pregnant?! This is called happy! Happy know not to know!"The wang busy cover ChengSi yan mouth, Chen tao, oblique cross her one eye, eye, unexpectedly also something of a charm of tai, "less than three months, you don't say to others."

ChengSi yan happy heart seems to be exploded.

"I wouldn't say to other people! - mother! Mother! I'll have a little brother! Must be a little younger brother!"ChengSi yan happy inside straight.Sheng's lineal blood ah, really well-drilled tribesmen, not TuShiSheng can than the two bastard!

"If it's little sister? You can't play favorites."The wang picked his eyebrows, the ChengSi yan blinked.

"Well, if one thousand is little sister. I'll make big sister, take her to read our writing. All the things I can teach her. Also, teach her father and mother together looking forward to another brother!"ChengSi yan firmly tunnel.

Wang's smile.Inclined lay down on the couch, saying: "some lumbar acid, you help me beat a lamented."

ChengSi yan immediately hold a small hollow fist, gently to the wang hit back.

Wang half narrowing her eyes, and smiled like a water chestnut, a long time to ChengSi yan way: "yan, these days, what are you doing, mom didn't say you. Think you can want to come over. But this time round, niang found, don't say you can't."

ChengSi yan fist paused, she bite bite lips and whispered: "... niang, do you mean that the cow lobular?"Also defended cattle lobule, "she is yali, no bad idea. Together with her. I feel very comfortable, not your mind. Don't worry about her suddenly let me dig a pit to jump..."

Wang smiled, saying: "what do you think? Days so long, you can say, she is always like this? Say. She is two years older than you, the family situation much more complex than our house. With the daughter of a merchant, she can travel in the city tide. Do you think she is really a woman.she so simple? Or think that others are the same as you, looking at her bluntness. Make a tux on with her?"

ChengSi yan red, way: "niang. I know she is insufficient, only I didn't expect her to a friend. Just... just... when I first knew her, she be nice to me, I what all not..."

"I understand. A friend can't forget, their wives than hall."Wang smiled and patted ChengSi yan on the cheek, "yan is a person who spends a lot of affection, and softhearted, understand you, will be good to you, will cherish you the friend. But you should know that a friend is mutual. You everywhere maintenance, to her to help her. You forget that mom can't forget. When you and two girls has been languishing, wu is in order to maintain her."

So offended chan-juan wu and Zheng Suxin statue of a bodhisattva.

ChengSi yan lower the head, hands nervously ground fingers.

"People only said a words, believe not all threw a piece of heart. Mom is not to stop you make friends with her, mom just hope, you use eyes to see, think with your heart. Can't shave hair carrying pole with its load a hot, you take her as a friend and now too early, isn't it? Now, start from the casual acquaintances, is predestined friends the confidant, again you say line not line?"The wang persuade very tactful.

ChengSi yan in the mind is clear.Lobular caused her trouble, bring more happiness than.But ChengSi yan always feel, not this utility to treat friends, especially cattle lobules that at the time of trouble is friend of she held out her hand in friendship.

Wang heard ChengSi yan and wanted to remind her, some people just love of people is "out of the hand of friendship", otherwise, how can there is an old saying, called "the danger is easy, with prosperous"?

But wanted to think, the wang did not continue to hit her, just way: "you don't want to go out. With cow's whip-round for porridge tent matter, is certainly not."

"Why? Are they save......"ChengSi yan asks.She know that wang's not cruel stingy person, she said, must have their own truth.

The wang stood up from the couch, hold the waist stroll in the house.

ChengSi yan followed up and holding the wang's arm.

"To have porridge tent, can't afford to let's ChengGuoGong mansion is not set? Why to touch bull home light, go home collections with them?"Wang stopped short, with the hand points ChengSi yan's forehead, "true to whip-round, I'd rather go to the wu whip-round, cattle home."

So say, ChengSi yan understood right away.

Since their house after, she and cattle lobules, is two levels.Even if they have the feast with Zheng Suxin, but home to the wu is a man on the surface of the card.

Although ChengSi yan know lobular zeal, less utilitarian, but who knows what her family is state of mind?Her brother ox big friends but with Wang Erge people they know.

And ChengSi yan also understand, behind Wang Erge is noble...

To cow "... home whip-round porridge tent, is home to the ox sedan chair. Let's home in one thousand, reputation, even went out the door to the person, they cattle home also not qualified to let's go to the sedan chair."Wang's smile on his face pale.She turn head, pity to see ChengSi yan, know yourself, gave her.

"Sedan chair?"ChengSi yan, "can't?"

The wang look dignified cold out of the window of the courtyard landscape, smiled and said: "yan. You know why cow lobular must pull you to their homes porridge tent?"

ChengSi yan now say a "gang" this two word, just workplace, laughing.

The wang gave her a look back.Smile a way: "you will know that silly. Thousand hundred li of the music in front of me, in front of the cow lobule is people by the nose. - I told you. Porridge tent soup this sort of thing, do you think is it really save so simple?"

ChengSi yan say with smile: "everyone's purpose different, of course. But this kind of behavior itself can save lives, that's enough. Water to pure have no fish, to examine, no ACTS."

"You don't care. But someone from accounting. You know, these things, originally is the government should do. The authorities are reluctant to put open food. I heard that prince to the queen mother empress, several times on the throne, and are not allowed to respond. Chong grandma knew later, prince said to the active for help, to have porridge tent to save people. You know one to chong grandma.? Who's face - is the court's face!"

Wang took a few steps, then says, "but grandma chong is the wu daughter-in-law, she was standing behind the four big families, so no one dare to say a word of 'no,' she, and cattle home dare to have porridge tent, even with so big face, also didn't so great courage. They pull our house is carried flower flower palanquin, conceal. Behind others. Bother you stir inside?"

ChengSi yan thoroughly understood, look up at the wang zhan a really smile.She suddenly understand oneself with the wang, or with Zheng Suxin chan-juan wu, where is the gap between these people.

Because she came from the later, she always have a kind of "outsider" mentality.Look at these people, just like the theatre, is not always realistic.

So when I was acting not fastidious.And there is always a chance in the inside, let the wang always think she wants to a.Is a.

When I was a child have this mentality doesn't matter, anyway, no one will really care about a child's word.

But as she grew older.She can't continue like this.

She has to fit in.

Not only on the surface, but also needs in mind.

If you always feel antipathetic, she wasn't happy, still can let love around her unhappy.

ChengSi yan nodded, "niang, that I will not go home with the mother."

The wang relieved, "that's right. However, porridge tent, let's not blending, let's do roots."

"What roots?"ChengSi yan curiosity.

"Of course is give medicine."The wang smiled, "you Wang Erge also reminded me that I have prepared some medicine. I looked at, so cold day, and so many people froze to death, many people do not have enough to eat wear not warm, it is easy to get sick. - we set medicine shed, to those who have food dew boil soup."

ChengSi yan worship.

Sheng home if follow others set porridge tent, would offend the court, but a medicine is different.

Because it is the responsibility of home.Sheng every main at the same time will also too hospital courtyard, home to a medicine tents, can be equivalent to a government agency.

This is for our court.

And those porridge tent, is playing court's face, is playing now near the face of listen to the queen mother empress.

Busy ChengSi yan said: "the niang do you want me to help?"

The wang shook his head, "too hospital apprentice a lot, let them come to help. House steward is responsible for providing medicinal materials."

ChengSi yan see come over, say with smile: "we can also take this opportunity to inquire the news of the dad."

Although they can't entered the palace, the palace of the people cannot come out, but message transmission channels unblocked.

Every day on duty of officials will through a small openings are passed, let the queen mother empress approval.

"It's not just want to come over?"The wang smiled with satisfaction, "how to say with cow lobule, need not I teach you?"

ChengSi yan nodded and returned to his lie MeiXuan, lobular sorry to the cow tunnel: "lobular, my niang a little sick, I want to be at home to take care of mother, can't go to your house of porridge tent."

Cattle lobular disappointed look beyond words.

"Can't go for? But... but..."Cattle lobular murmured a few times, tearing ChengSi yan sleeve way: "I told my family, will take you in the past."

ChengSi yan is very regret, she hold the hand of cattle lobule, finely tunnel: "you go to explain to your family for me, just say I can't. My niang body uncomfortable, my dad, in his palace home and no one can't."

"But, do you have a younger sister, two younger brother. Your mother is also their DiMu, they also want to come out to filial piety?"Cattle lobular or not to give up.

ChengSi yan to understand the mentality of the lobe.Because, since they know ChengSi yan never brushed cattle, lobular, and no matter what, she is to cater to her.

Suddenly a shortness, said "no", the other must be hard to accept.

But this time, only sorry.

In NiuGuHe between, ChengSi yan, of course, want to choose their own home.

Cattle lobular doesn't seem to think so much, although she committee injustice should bend, but the mouth become warped up, a face not happy appearance even hide not hide.

ChengSi yan want to comfort her two, cow lobular have muttered: "... it was, when the disease is not chosen."

ChengSi yan face sink sink, but also is just a moment, she has returned to normal, when didn't hear the cow lobules that sentence, say with smile: "your house of porridge tent? Do you want to go too late, your family will not worry? Or I make the person to say sorry to your house?"
