

Chapter 98 Choi, yat sen villa porch_3000字

  • 作者: 名字去哪拉
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-03

ChengSi yan poof bursts smile, turned to look at the mining-team son way: "her sister, think that you are also a bit embarrassing."

"Not a bit embarrassing. Just to be older than by how old are you, and congenial with you, teach you a lesson. - don't be silly after a knife to give a person."The mining-team son said with smiles.

Cattle lobular face changed changed, but soon changed smile, loudly way: "well said!"

"Make friends, of course, to think of each other. -- si yan, who a knife to stab you, after I have for you!"Cattle lobular clap table, generous said.

ChengSi yan is not on the forehead.This person how like a piece of candy, how to jilt also to throw away?

"Don't! If somebody want to poke me a knife, just by myself, don't let the cow girl. The last lesson is enough?"Harsh ChengSi yan finally slowly said a sentence, whose eyes gazed into lobules, warned her not to the lich moths.

Lobular breath.She dreamed of some unhappy ChengSi yan.

But it is ChengSi yan take advantage of her!

If it weren't for her, the queen mother how could the ChengSi yan also boast a phone?What's more, the once ChengSi yan and did not go, but is her servant girl.- she didn't really hurt again!

Is injured her servant girl, she is sitting on the "good"...

Cattle lobular condescension.She thought ChengSi yan a nice girl, I didn have self!

Mining-team son also startled a long time, just sympathy to knead a pinch ChengSi yan's hand and whispered: "take your time. Don't worry."

ChengSi YanDing composed, nods: "I know."And for the mining-team wine.Talking and laughing with her.

Chan-juan wu mood seems to be surprisingly good.To have fun talking and laughing with others.Musical into her hands, sang a minor.

She has a good voice, to the chirping sound of oriole sound outside the window, listen to the crowd.

At that time had a banquet, the crowd, satiated with food and the 3322 away from the green Yang Ge Zheng Guogong mansion backyard play xiaoshi.

Mining-team son take call ChengSi yan, Wu Chanying and chan-juan wu, and Zheng Yueer to her room for tea.Zheng Yueer beep four room office girl.Is one year younger than ChengSi yan, is only eleven years old, but very lively and clever.

With li Zhi chan-juan wu niang is, don't want to go with the mining-team son room, gave a since let them go.

Mining-team son with chan-juan wu close Cousins, cooked informality, besides chan-juan wu to her room I don't know how much time, now also don't care, just with ChengSi yan, Wu Chanying and Zheng Yueer yao hua floor walked into her live.

Yao hua floor in Zheng Guogong mansion southeast of the inner court, was a SanJin yard.Inside is a two-storey houses, a circle fence covered green vines.Having a unique style.

ChengSi yan had never been to Zheng Guogong mansion of the inner court, all the way walk all the way to sigh, praise.

"Yat sen villa hin? Hey, this name is chic."ChengSi yan occasionally looked up and saw the reading hands across the veranda a houses.

The house is too delicate, flowers and plants is tie-in appropriate, at first glance, there seem to be) pool, because the entire courtyard seems to be shrouded in a layer of smog, beautiful blurred.

Yat sen villa hin and yao hua building on Zheng Guogong mansion in the southeast, south and yao hua building in more, therefore, from the green Yang Ge to yao hua floor must be from yat sen villa porch at the door.

Zheng Yueer proud tunnel: "this is I want to let small aunt had lived in the yard, do you want to go to look at it?"

The mining-team son hindered, wry smile, and Chen way: "the moon, you naughty again!"

ChengSi yan heard mining-team son, as if is don't want to let her in, was busy way: "I just think this name strange chic. Since two gu zheng is the yard, I wouldn't go."

Mining-team son know ChengSi yan want to you listen, smiles to say: "in fact, it doesn't matter, others can't go to, and you go in is. It does not matter - I just worry about you."

Who bactrian dynasty is a taboo to the dead to live in the house.Died in general was not also give people retain her/his house.

And Zheng Guogong government retains zheng want to let the yard, pure is old and old lady zheng zheng kang is so painful zheng want to capacity, have been worried about her is the soul of, have no place to live, only just left yat sen villa hin, clean and the people.

Zheng want to let this lifetime to the servant girl bitch because of a mistake, is to buy buy, dozen dozen, die die, go to, would have a leave.

Now look at the house in yat sen villa hin, are kandinsky then carefully selected must properly detailed.

Mining-team worry ChengSi yan and Wu Chanying originally don't want to into the yard, but also because Zheng Yueer show, sorry not to go, just say fear for their taboo.

"Taboo?"ChengSi yan blinked, "why should taboo?"

Wu Chanying follow together, "I also want to open mind! Big literary giant of the house, will go in for a walk don't know how to write two poems, literary grace also long point..."

ChengSi yan: "......"She didn't feel the atmosphere tender Wu Chanying can be cute and lovely?

Mining-team son yan sleeve laugh, just with their went to sun yat sen villa hin.

"Girl, two girls."Yat sen villa hin the porters bitch to salute them, opened the gate and let them in.

ChengSi yan is very curious, look in all directions.

I saw the corners of the courtyard stood a big bucket of blue and white porcelain.Raised near a look, there are large of large water lily.

"This is the purple coloured glaze.Mining-team son, pointing to the water lily, "my little aunt living love chian, summer the whole dynasty, only we have this yard. Oddly enough, they can only live here. My mom tried life people is in the back garden of the pond in the water lily, but did not become, a few days will die."

ChengSi yan looked upon these named "purple coloured glaze" water lily, found their color is very delicate, white petals front and the back is mauve.

Seem to have little water vapor tank cover to jade-like stone light purple white water lily.

Brocade carp in the water lily roots come, tail swing, the splash of water.

Yard in the middle of the aisle Bai Yuru mirror, gleaming.

ChengSi yan say with smile: "this stone is smooth, is how to polish?"

Zheng Yueer smile happily with fingers shave a way: "si yan sister account! This is no ordinary stones. This is a white jade! Large chunks of white jade!"

White jade for the road?!

ChengSi yan felt his jaw was almost fell to the ground.She couldn't help squatted down.Gently touches the walkway.

Zheng Yueer smile more.Started up the birds in the tree.

Mining-team son also funny, for ChengSi yan way: "is indeed a white jade, moon lips verging, but never says a vernacular."

Wu Chanying will ChengSi yan, gave the mining-team son and Zheng Yueer Chen, "but his owner, you two have such a hospitality?"

The mining-team and Zheng Yueer busy apologize to ChengSi yan.

ChengSi yan followed Wu Chanying stood up, YouZi like in a dream.Looked across the two sit at the gate of Chinese flowering crabapple, read aloud, "white jade hall of gold horse..."

"What do you mean? What a horse?"Wu Chanying beside her, but didn't hear clearly.

ChengSi yan shook his head, "I said is coming. Let's go in and see?"

Wu Chanying good praise, with a smile and ask the mining-team son, "said before four families will beep a meager some inside, now, you are hidden!"

Mining-team son more wry smile, saying: "you said this way? Where have so much in my house. You see the whole piece of white jade. Don't say our family, even the god of wealth the wu is also with you not to come out."

Not have no money.But no place to.

Bactrian dynasty rules, all mine, saltworks belongs to the court, private property, of course, is also the royal family.

"... did you say!"Wu Chanying strokes a word.

The mining-team son nodded.

ChengSi yan also understood.

Originally, all this is the second prince to want to let zheng purchased.

It was cloud to clothes take to let...

Live in places like the fairy, and stamped on the stack are cast in the white jade, light the mind is great.

ChengSi yan couldn't help but imagine zheng want to let the charm.

The mining-team son to go with them.

Yat sen villa porch of the house decorate more spectacularly.

Advanced outside of lobular rosewood, wood density, hard into the water that is heavy, inner orange, make furniture slowly became purplish brown, and light scent.

The back is purple red chrysanthemum pear, also called dalbergiae cocobolo, light smell is good medicine.

ChengSi yan could not help but smelt more breath between the mouth.

Windowsill below a large chrysanthemum pear book, swinging by replacing ink and other four treasures of the study, a pen and put aside in the ink on the inkstone, seems to be just someone used.Inkstone still wang a bend in the ink, it is just to grind out.

Lying on the book a fancy stationery paper, write a word, "had not acacia, acacia, acacia."

Beautiful hand ZanHua lower case.

ChengSi yan heart move.The handwriting familiar, where did she see?

"Average foreigner can't be in inside the room. Even the courtyard door, is only familiar with the relatives and friends can come in."Mining-team son whispered, some sentimental took one look around.

Even before the heyday, and what about literary again?

Death is imitators...

Wu Chanying went a circle, in the house also sighed: "two gu zheng was known, however, the whole building dynasty can say no one know, no one knows all."

ChengSi yan quietly for a moment, suddenly asked: "two gu zheng at the beginning of what disease is? Chong grandma skill god, why there is no in the rescue of two gu zheng back?"

Mining-team son took one look around, low voice way: "that we don't know. My grandfather and grandmother when it comes to small aunt, we are afraid to ask. At home"

ChengSi yan sympathy nodded. "what a pity."

A few people leave yat sen villa hin, go to yao hua floor line.

And pass by a pond, pool with large large azalea.

"It is five years old when I small aunt fell into the pond."Mining-team son show them, "I and the moon as a child can't to play near the pond."
