

Chapter 103 ointment_3000字

  • 作者: u234293239
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-10-30

Seventeen years in the past, ChengGuoGong house finally gave birth to the first DiZi.

Sheng qi ye also can comfort sheng commanding his home.

Queen mother empress looked at ChengGuoGong house door black red plaques, sigh, ordered: "go to the door, he said home to see Mrs ChengGuo."

A busy in waits to the door.

That son of a listen to is the queen mother empress visit, frighten a chill, rolled with climbed up on the ground to the second.

Not too much later, ChengGuoGong mansion in the door wide open, with ChengSi yan sheng qi ye hurried out to meet the queen mother empress a line of people.

Queen mother holding maid-in-waiting hand down from the bus, when a way: "you home to see the new born small childe."

This is a great decency!

Over the years, and only when prince was born, the queen mother empress go to see him myself.

Even the queen mother brought up by the prince, also does not have enjoyed such a title.

But sheng qi ye and ChengSi yan did not reveal ecstatic.

They forget that the queen mother is also ordered the tu them home with her man...

But the celebrate of still want to keep.

To bow to the queen mother, father and respectfully ask too junior ChengGuoGong mansion.

The queen mother, of course, is to go is the gate.

Sheng qi ye in the lead, ChengSi yan let the queen mother will hand on her arm, like small palace with the queen mother through the gate.

After that take the door put on eight big sedan chair carried.

ChengSi yan is on two people carrying a small slide.

Sheng qi ye by car, the queen mother's maids in waits and guards are walking, near the queen's palanquin.

A line of people crammed into the second, came to the courtyard YanYu Wang Shihe sheng qi ye live.

The wang just production yesterday, woke up in the morning for a while, give the child personally fed breast milk after crashed again, also did not wake up.

And she was confined in the room, don't clean, inconvenient to see the queen mother.

Sheng qi ye let ChengSi yan to newborn son held out to the queen mother.

This boy just arrived from mother there had a full, the appearance of a face of satisfied eye closure deep sleep.

"The child can be real heavy."The queen mother took the baby from the hand of the ChengSi yan embrace, face it with a sharp is slowly becoming gentle light.

ChengSi yan dark sigh baby huge damage to the woman.From fifteen to fifty women estimate will baby squeamishness of innocence, reveals herself heart and soul, even if only for an instant.

As the queen mother now.

"Go back. Just was born, don't be the wind. The first few months. After three to four months, the child thing even more."The queen mother narration wen has been the topic of raising children.

ChengSi yan, completely unable to accept the queen mother image transformation.- are you on summer dominated dynasty countless subjects lives have more power and the queen mother empress!Not other people's old grandmother!

But consider, the queen mother isn't other people's grandmother?

Just looked very young and beautiful...

ChengSi yan take advantage of this opportunity to study at the queen's physical appearance.

She did not know the queen mother of the age, but looked at her soft white and delicate skin, water samples of chicken eyes, dark hair, small high stand nose, full moist lips, in addition to the fine lines of the canthus, the queen mother watching just like thirty franchisee, is still a water dangdang belle!

Phoenix ChengSi yan also has a pair of eyes, but with the queen mother a ratio, just know what call people than people would die, goods than goods throw!

ChengSi yan is still little, little face meat doodle, those phoenix eyes almost trapped in the meat, show long look line, only in the black fiber dense eyelashes, like two of the black thread.

The queen is a typical frame, jaw pointed, especially enchanting.

Her face is typical of the duck eggs...Well, it should be more rotund oval...

Queen mother leer ChengSi yan, see her stare blankly, half-truths tunnel: "you this child, how watching daughter home? Aren't you afraid of ai home drop sin?"

ChengSi yan suddenly woke up.Summer in this dynasty, look over, is a kind of disrespect.

ChengSi yan blinked, say with smile: "empress empress is too beautiful, I don't see it moving eyes open."

To flatter thousand wear to wear, not to wear.

Let alone a boast beautiful woman boots, no woman will not be useful.

And ChengSi yan younger, the appearance of a face of the finals, deserve to go up some stay, speak out, a few more credibility.

Queen mother empress the mood good, say with smile: "good," will give you a home. Later can't."

ChengSi yan busy, took the younger brother, from the hand of the queen mother gently waved the arm, yawned, was on the point of nutcracker and shake asleep babies.

Queen mother watching smiled and nodded: "take good care of him. FengShiZi waited for him for one full year of life again please."

Sheng qi ye this just understand why queen mother made a special trip out of the palace to a trip to home.

He rushed hand way: "thank you for the queen mother reminder. I was too impatient."

"This blessing is certain, my boy. You hurt him too much, now after his blessing."The queen mother like is like.

Sheng qi ye and ChengSi yan dare not speak, beside accompany queen mother eat tea.

Queen mother gently only to have that tea touched touch lips, then put down the cup, got up and said, "you take good care of the child and his wife." the home has the monkey, given the wang qi feng hang bead towards the champions league and Ann. Her in, the child can grow up safely."

ChengSi yan sheng qi ye and froze.

Or react first, sheng qi ye finally appeared a little smile on her face, he solemnly to the queen mother long yi in the ground, said: "the queen empress hospitality, sheng qi mo can't forget."

ChengSi yan also busy knees blessing ceremony, "grace yan generation mother to thank you for the queen mother empress."

"Wang follow seven ate so many bitter, now it is home to expand imports, these are of her. - will back down, you go to those mansion Ann car brought back."Queen mother smiled and touched the fondle ChengSi yan's cheek, turn with the imperial secretary and leave.

Sheng qi ye and ChengSi yan like dreaming, gave the queen mother to go out, come back father could not help but funny.

"Dad, the empress dowager empress why not named brother prince?"ChengSi yan is very confused.

Sheng qi ye says, "it is I am too impatient. The child is too small, really is not suitable for seal now, please. Your mother awoke from his sleep, certainly be scold me a meal."Face is the shan shan.

ChengSi yan smile.She know sheng qi ye besides medical skills, on the other things are in a daze, poor than himself, let alone to mother wang...

"Dad, niang busy to look after younger brother all too late, which have time to scold you?"ChengSi yan smile relieved heart sheng qi ye, and asked him, "brother name? Dad give up yet?"

"Big name", ChengSiBo."Sheng qi ye indeed be distracted, cheerful tunnel, "small named goji berries."

ChengSi yan looked at her little baby sleep a little snoring, "wolfberry...?"

"Yeah. Medlar is of better materials, and easy, easy to accept, ma is."Sheng qi ye laughs and pinch pinched little Chinese wolfberry small fat face.

This is the habit of building dynasty, give the child a good base of support.

Small Chinese wolfberry is wrinkly to knit the brows and mouth began to get a flat.

Busy ChengSi yan way: "the Chinese wolfberry medlar, I take Chinese wolfberry back rest. Dad, you also tired last night, go to rest away. Such as niang wake up tomorrow, there are a lot of things to do."

Sheng qi ye busy nod a way: "you go. I will come back to take a look at the courts."

Sheng qi ye to the outer court immediately called a steward, ordered him to the preparations for the three ceremony after three days.

Here the queen mother out of the house door, walking on the street for a while, eventually the enemy but his thirst for beauty, ordered: "... pleasant XuanZheng palace."

Queen mother side front foot, just back to Ann and temple Zheng Suxin hind feet like came in.

Queen mother saw her, he smiled and said: "these days, zheng is rarely the palace to see daughter home."

Zheng Suxin smiled and said: "the queen mother empress is ill, I again have no chance to fit in is not for the queen mother empress messed up here."

The queen mother smiled.

Actually know each other.

Zheng Suxin previously prince with these guys go too close, the queen mother nature is not happy, and to prevent her.

Queen mother just didn't know, she has to use Zheng Suxin......

Think at the beginning, even the family are not indispensable.

But Zheng Suxin, she will, others seem really can not.

On makeup stage queen mother sit to makeup stage slowly, looking at the foot of crystal ling convex glass and asked, "zheng, the last time you give me ointment and to do so?"

Zheng Suxin understand the meaning of the queen mother, in the heart secretly pleased, but not on the surface of fraction.

She wanted to think, way: "the queen mother mean... face and body use perfume?"

"Exactly."Queen mother patted his cheek, look in the mirror: "ai home feel pleasant perfume, zheng is one of the most utility."

Zheng Suxin nodded, "empress dowager empress understand that ointment to use in the dark room."

"Well, come here with daughter home."The queen mother got up, took Zheng Suxin used before you go to their dark room.


Two hours later, the queen mother and Zheng Suxin walked out of the dark room.

Yao female officer was surprised to find that the queen mother returned previously more than twenty years old young woman's face.

Fullness gwon-chul cheeks, not a grain of canthus, jade-like stone white through the tender pink skin, from top to bottom, all show young women's charming and beauty.

"Zheng pleasant perfume is really works!"Yao said envy female officer, "the queen mother empress but also depart from moment. Pleasant, zheng as the prescription to cure too much, even after zheng in the absence of the pleasant, empress dowager empress will not useless."

Zheng Suxin smiled, "it is not difficult to do this ointment, the hard part is shakily cream."

Yao's official eyes flashing, a passive sort of conversation "shakily paste technique? Anyhow is wipe besmear daub, what difficult? Not so big difference?"

Zheng Suxin looked at her don't talk, just quietly laughing.

See yao female officer don't away uneasily, dare not with Zheng Suxin's eyes.

Queen mother seems to don't want to dig into, waved, "zheng, once half a year later to cry of household ointment."
