

Chapter 114 dreams_3000字

  • 作者: 愿意吧
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-11-02

After supper, sheng qi ye go out for a walk with my little Chinese wolfberry xiaoshi.

Reconciliation between the wang go next door to the east with steward.

ChengSi let the wang yan's big servant girl cinnamon and others to eat, your help here to tidy up the table and looked at the kitchen menial house.

This shirt of master, nature is everyone's allegiance.

This house have what thing, also some people willing to her tipped them off.

"Girl, listen to door doors, cow girl came today, want to see you......"A little girl to eat the rice come boy, side to ChengSi yan said quietly.

"Cow lobular here? How do I haven't seen?"ChengSi yan eyebrows slightly."

Soon her eyebrows and stretching.

Now her mother housekeeper, cattle lobules may be made a special trip to see her mother?

Little girl again way: "... she can't come in."

ChengSi yan: "......"

Don't come in.

Little girl then way: "... but she put the soup in the gate of our house."

ChengSi YanFu forehead, fumes that quietly: "something quickly finish, from where learn these people suspense trick?"

Vomitted to stick out the tongue, little girl sorry tunnel: "big girl don't hurry, a handmaiden Tan Po say is to listen to the second."

A sound ChengSi yan "well".She also tube, inferior to the home.

She know that, on the second Tan Po, door is kept at a son of aunt, they are relative.

Doors to know, it is possible to say with Tan Po hear.

"Tan Po said, she told her nephew, today in the evening, the cow girl with a girl come knocking at the door, said to look at girl, also said that to bring a pot of soup, want to drink with girl."The little girl said, brilliantly, tongue is very clever.

ChengSi yan speechless.In the evening to your door.Also said to send soup, unreliable is to listen...

"Doors eldest brother don't let her come in, said lady, don't take food outside. Also, she wants to visit a girl, must first give worship, such as big girl return card, another day."

This is a rule.

ChengSi yan nodded.The doors of the response is very reasonable.

"But cow girl annoyed, wrist, sent the pot of soup to us at the gate."Little girl here, have some bulging, du mouth, face was red with anger.

ChengSi yan smile on his face pale.She has picked his eyebrows, the little girl stretched out his hand on his shoulder, whispered tunnel: "thank you for telling me. This matter, I know of niang?"

"Lady know. Doors will this morning."Little girl encouraged, is very happy.

"HMM. That's good."ChengSi yan to smile."You help me to look at here, I'm a little tired, need to go back. You wait for me to wife say, ok?"

The wang with the steward reconciliation, it is best not to bother her.

Busy little girl should be the bow to bend your knees, watched ChengSi yan left with her servant girl bitch YanYu don.

Return to their own lie MeiXuan.ChengSi YanXian to bubble bath room with a bath, come out makeup stage of sitting under the window, let the big girl hibiscus bring her soft soft wipes the child's hair.

The weather in early march, is close to late spring.

The sun already down the mountain, the evening twilight with deep shallow purple hangs over the whole court.

Here come out early summer insects started singing on the grass, sending out the light fragrance of flowers and grass fragrance in the air.

ChengSi yan sit makeup stage.Hand toying with a pair of fine ceramic glaze big lucky dolls.

The great lucky two fat doll, is a man and a woman are sitting cross-legged on the shape of the earth.A head with single bun with a snake in his hand, male clay figurine, another head with scalloped hammerhead female clay figurine's hands holding a little hedgehog.

It is Wang Yixing had sent her a pair of hand burn big lucky.

Is to brush her hair hibiscus, she chuckled, whispered: "big girl. High school the maharaja, such as what we send some gift?"

ChengSi yan smiled and said: "I'm not ready yet. Hibiscus, what do you say I send?"

"End jewelry treasure, the Kings son is probably don't want."Hibiscus thought as he said, "according to the handmaiden, below the girl to the Kings son shoes?"

ChengSi yan shook his head gently, "no. I don't do shoes, even if sent, Wang Erge also know that I didn't do it, what's interesting?"

Hibiscus and wanted to think, soliloquize tunnel: "maybe the most will actually prescribe them, but always can't give each other a pack of medicine? Like what? Can also wish Kings son sick?"

ChengSi yan poof bursts into a smile, "hibiscus, have never thought you also pretty much."

"Handmaiden for the master."Hibiscus changed a towel with a smile, continue to wipe hair ChengSi yan.

"Thank you for your sister hibiscus."ChengSi yan nifty and tunnels, miracle in a good mood.

Hair dry, ChengSi yan again to see the book for a moment, and it was all black, only made a little yawn, gently patting his mouth with the hand, half narrowing her eyes and went to bed.

The night she slept less secure, made a dream.

She has a haven't done for a dream.

But this time, she dreamed that he and a large group of green girl sitting YouBiXiangChe, walk on a levee.

One side of the levee is a vast river, the river some turbidity yellow, with sediment.

The other side of the levee is endless fields, like the wheat, or are the weeds, anyhow is very green.

Remember in the dream, she suddenly heard outside came the voice of noise, exclaimed.

She flow open curtain to look outside and saw the levee the following the river became a blood red, thick sticky dust, just like human blood!

She looked up and saw the distance the sky became red, but close to, the but again become hazy pale, just like when she was blind to see the world.

She could not see the other car, also can't see the other company.

Grey is the vast heaven and earth, but she was the only one who stand on the levee.

ChengSi yan scared, she came down from the car, screaming "pa! Mom!"

But no one response.

Suddenly, someone behind her with a rush to push her, pushed her into the big river like blood plasma.

ChengSi yan remembers roll call for help in blood river, the shore has two women looked at her smile, but is not to save her.

ChengSi yan desperately cry, slowly sank to the bottom of the blood.

Blood river is not fishy, but there is a peculiar fragrance.

Blood in ChengSi yan is going to be heavily silted river at that moment.She saw a black dress person come down from the blood-red backdrop, blood fell into the river, grabbed her on the shoulder, dragged her from the blood of the river.Tightly in her arms.

The bosom is so warm warm, with the sun grass fragrance.

A little familiar, as if he had been where the smell.

ChengSi yan with closed eyes, clinging to the man's chest, like walking, jump out from the river, back to the bank.

The man put her down.

Embankments on the two women stood motionless, like two clay sculpture carvings.

ChengSi yan opened his eyes, who is delighted to see that, intuition managed like a friend.

But she saw the concerns of burning eyes Wang Yixing.

"Wang Erge. How are you...?"ChengSi yan subconscious feels right.

Wang Erge with her just now from the river to save the man's blood is too different, and he was wearing a gray shirt, not black.

Wang Yixing but said with a smile: "why not me? You fall in the river, is I deliver you up, do you think who is it?"

"That's not what I mean!Some worry tunnel ChengSi yan.

"So what do you mean?"Wang Yixing suddenly changed face.Stood up commanding looked at her, with cold tunnel.

"Is that what you mean? Actually abandon our Kings son?"The two stand still woman just came up suddenly, a left a right standing beside Wang Yixing, also looked at her with contempt.

ChengSi yan zheng big eyes, but how also can't see the two women's appearance, a big hurry.Strong brace climb from the ground up, and they argue, "no, I didn't abandon Wang Erge..."

"Hum! Ungrateful shameless! Kings son saved you, you pushed from pillar to post. Unappreciative!"Standing in Wang Yixing the left woman to pounce, fan ChengSi yan a box on the ear.

ChengSi yan nature.To see will be the hand, are a XieCiLi vigorously, will the woman's arm was partial to living to ninety degrees.

Results the woman slap fan face to another woman.

Another woman great anger, two men wrestling in an embankment.

ChengSi yan looked Wang Yixing, but see he grunted coldly.Turn round and then walk, no matter the two women are grappling with.

"Wang Erge Wang Erge!! Wait for me!"Shouted ChengSi yan, want to talk to Wang Yixing explanation.

But Wang Yixing more walk more far...

ChengSi yan shouted, sat up from the bed.- it is a dream.

She looked up and saw the drapes in the morning glow of the sun, the tapestry of curtains hung in a rosy face big sweet bursa, under the sun shine upon a sky of red light.

The blood-red sky, like her dream is like a river is the color of blood.

ChengSi yan sip sip lip, stretched out arm, a drag to the big sweet bursa down, don't want to hang in the bed nets.

"To show off the big girl girl! What's wrong?"Hibiscus and nutmeg are Shouting outside heard ChengSi yan in the bedroom cabinet, busy ran into the room.

Flow to open curtains, two people saw ChengSi yan sat on the bed, holding in his hand that had been hung in the curtains rose sweet bursa, gawk trance.

"Girl, is it sweet bursa, scare girl?"Hibiscus asked anxiously.

She saw ChengSi yan blanched, forehead is full of thin sweat son, like a frightened look.

ChengSi yan took a deep breath and shook his head and gave the sweet bursa to hibiscus, "take it to hang on the wall. Don't hang in the curtains."Then open the quilt up, "I want to bath. Just had a dream, sleep is not steadfast."
