


  • 作者: 小木头no
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2019-05-30

帮熟人在朋友圈里推销个商品,这不很常见吗,也会摊上事儿?昨天,司法部中国法制宣传司官方微博“中国普法”转发的一则提醒,让好多人心生后怕: “小心!帮熟人在朋友圈发广告,竟要负法律责任?!”这则提醒转自山东省高院官方微博,好多网友禁不住追问,今后难道不能帮朋友转发广告了吗?如果转发广告了会有什么后果?今后该注意些什么?一些微商也开始担忧找朋友转发广告会给朋友添麻烦,生意下滑又怎么办?现代快报记者了解到,9月1日起,新广告法实施,根据新广告法的规定,自然人在自媒体发布广告需要承担相应的法律责任。也就是说,稍不注意,你可能会摊上事儿,如果引发纠纷,还会涉及相关赔偿。 实习生陆叶现代快报记者赵书伶








无独有偶,南京市民徐女士也有这类烦恼。“现在朋友圈基本都被广告攻占了,经常遇到一些微信朋友绕着弯让帮忙转发广告,想拒绝或者屏蔽吧,又不好意思,很无奈。”徐女士说,碍于情面,有时候她也会转发一些好朋友卖产品的广告,但也给自己惹上了不少麻烦。 今年6月,徐女士帮一个卖土特产的朋友在朋友圈转发了一则广告,同事看到后很感兴趣,于是购买了一份,不过,收到货后,徐女士的同事发现买来的产品居然发霉了,碍于情面,又不好找徐女士退货或者赔偿,但两人的关系明显受到了影响,这让徐女士觉得十分愧疚。 微商担心:广告不好做了,销量会下滑




得知9月1日新广告法实施,朋友圈不能任意转发广告后,张女士表示有点担心销量下滑。“因为微商的销售主要是靠这个,今后在编写广告的时候也会更加注意,避免给朋友引麻烦。”张女士说。 【释疑】








使购买商品或者接受服务的消费者的合法权益受到损害的,由广告主依法承担民事责任。广告经营者、广告发布者不能提供广告主的真实名称、地址和有效联系方式的,消费者可以要求广告经营者、广告发布者先行赔偿。如果发布广告者无法提供广告源基本信息,那因其广告购买产品遭遇损失的朋友可以先向广告发布者索赔。 “具体到转发广告的人来说,如果转发的广告是虚假广告,给消费者造成了损失,转发人也需要承担相应的责任。”刘备表示,根据新广告法第五十五条规定,广告发布者如果发布了虚假广告,由工商行政管理部门没收广告费用并罚款,广告费用无法计算或者明显偏低的,处二十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。后果严重的还须承担刑事责任。



那是不是从9月1号开始,在朋友圈转发广告就算违法了呢?“这倒不至于,如果转发广告所宣传的产品和服务是货真价实的,没有给消费者造成损失,当然就没有关系了。”刘备表示,如果在朋友圈中看到虚假广告,比如夸大某个医疗产品的功效,或者谎称产品获得了某项专利,遇到类似的情况都可以拨打12315向工商局举报。 据了解,最近,南京还启动了24小时广告监测与服务平台,也就是说,违法广告一出现,就能被平台“捕捉”到。“这个平台将对全市的全部媒体广告发布情况进行全天候监测,还将进行数据分析、提供证据等。”南京市工商局广告处副处长马秀琴表示,目前,微信朋友

圈的相关广告监管暂时还没有纳入,“下一步可能会有计划。” 马秀琴表示,作为广告的转发人,也是要对广告的真实性承担责任的,“朋友圈作为一个相对比较私密化的空间,和平常我们看到的广告相比,更容易有引导效应。”如果对转发的产品质量不确定,自己没有使用过,最好不要转发。“如果一定要转发,最好声明一下,写上自己并没有使用过或者相关风险提示等。”




9 月1日起,新广告法正式实施,其中明确规定,任何人不能代言药品广告,药品广告必须显著标明禁忌不良反应,也就是说,药品、医疗器械、医疗、保健食品广告今后不能再用明星代言了。“因为这些都是关系到大家生命健康安全的商品或者服务,由于人体的独特性,作用于某个人有效并不代表对他人有效,广告代言人做推荐、证明,本身不具有科学性。”南京市工商局广告处副调研员王坚勇表示,这次的整治重点就是药店、保障食品商店等,将查处医疗、药品、医疗器械、保健食品广告中利用广告代言人做推荐、证明的情况。凡是9月1日后生产的保健类食品,都不能使用明星代言。



(一)非法经营广告 非法经营广告是指违反《广告法》的规定,未经工商行政管理机关核发营业证照,擅自承办广告业务或超出核准的经营范围从事广告经营活动。非法经营广告的具体行为如下: 1.无证经营广告,即没有办理《广告经营许可证》的单位或个人,无论是从事常年性的广告经营活动,还是从事临时性广告经营活动,都属于违法行为。

2.超出经营权限范围经营广告。《广告经营许可证》对广告经营的范围有明确的界定。凡超出经营范围的广告经营活动,均属非法经营。 3.新闻单位内部非广告经营部门从事广告经营活动,以及新闻工作者借采访名义招揽广告等。


5.未经有关部门批准,承办经营性印刷品广告、赞助广告、大量发行邮寄广告等。 对于非法经营广告的单位和个人,依据《广告管理条例实施细则》第二十一条规定:“广告经营者违反《条例》第六条规定,无证照或超越经营范围经营广告业务的,取缔其非法经营活动,没收非法所得,处五千元以下罚款。”

(二)发布虚假广告 虚假广告,是指以欺骗方式进行不真实的广告宣

传。 发布虚假广告的具体行为如下:

1.广告主介绍的商品、服务本身即是虚假的。 (1)广告中有关商品质量、性能、功效等的说明,不符合商品的实际质量、性能、功效等。 (2)擅自改变食品、药品、农药等特殊商品的《广告审批表》批准宣传的内容,进行虚假、夸大宣传,欺骗、误导消费者。 (3)利用虚假广告招生办学、培训技术。 (4)发布虚假的“致富信息、实用技术”广告骗取钱财。 (5)无商品可供,或以次充好,以邮购为名骗取购物款,非法牟利。

2.广告主自我介绍的内容与实际不符。 (1)谎称自己已取得生产许可证、商品注册证;谎称产品质量已达到规定标准、认证合格,并获得专利等;谎称产品获奖、获优质产品称号等。 (2)假冒他人注册商标、科技成果以及假冒他人名义为自己的企业或产品作广告宣传。 3.对产品、服务的部分承诺是虚假的,不能兑现的且带有欺骗性的。 根据《广告法》规定,利用广告对商品或者服务作虚假宣传的,由广告监督管理机关责令广告主停止发布,并以等额广告费用在相应范围内公开更正消除影响,并处广告费用1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;对负有责任的广告经营者、广告发布者没收广告费用,并处广告费用1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,依法停止其广告业务。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

(三)发布违禁广告 广告主或广告经营者违反《广告法》的规定,使用国家机关和国家机关工作人员的名义作广告,即构成发布违禁广告的违法行为。 对发布违禁广告的行为,《广告法》规定由广告监督管


(四)发布超越经营范围或国家许可范围的广告 超越经营范围,是指广告经营者和广告客户超越工商行政管理机关核准营业证照所明确规定的营业范围而经营广告业务的行为。《广告法》第二十二条规定:“广告主自行或者委托他人设计、制作、发布广告,所推销的商品或者所提供的服务应当符合广告主的经营范围。”《广告管理条例》第八条规定:“广告有下列内容之一,不得刊播、设置、张贴;违反我国法律、法规的;损害我国民族尊严的;有中国国旗、国徽、国歌标志、国歌音响的;有反动、淫秽、迷信、荒诞内容的;弄虚作假的,贬低同类产品的。” 工商行政管理机关在核准广告经营许可证和营业执照时按照申请者的营业能力规定了营业范围。每个广告经营者都必须严格按被规定的营业范围从事经营活动。


(五)发布有产品获奖内容,但不标明产品获奖级别、时间、颁奖部门的广告 《广告管理条例》所指的获奖产品包括两类。一类是指获得政府有关主管部门或其授权单位授予各类奖的产品和获得国际组织授奖的产品。另一类是指获得国家质量奖审定委员会、国务院各主管部门,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府授予国优、部优、省优质产品奖的产品。 《广告管理条例》第十一条第二款规定:“标明获奖的商品广告,应当提交本届、本年度或者数届、数年度连续获奖的证书,并在广告中注明获奖级别和颁奖部门。”第三款规定:“标明优质产品称号的商品广告,应当提交政府颁发的优质产品证书,并在广告中标明授予优质产品称号的时间和部门。” 《广告管理条例实施细则》第二十六条规定:“广告客户违反《条例》第十一条规定,伪造、涂改、盗用或者非法复制广告证明的,予以通报批评,处五千元以下罚款。广告经营者违反《条例》第十一条第(二)、(三)项规定的,处一千元以下罚款。为广告客户出具非法或虚假证明的,予以通报批评,处五千元以下罚款,并负连带责任。”

(六)发布无合法证明或证明不全的广告 广告证明,是指表明广告客户主体资格和广告内容是否真实、合法的文件、证件。 广告主委托广告经营者和广告发布者承办广告业务时,应当依法向广告经营者,广告发布者提交和交验上述两类证明文件,并保证所提交的广告证明真实、合法、有效;广告经营者、广告发布者承办广告业务时,应当要求广告主提供相应证明,并依据法律、行政法规查验有关证明文件,核实广告内容。对内容不实或证明不全的广告,广告经营者不得提供

设计、制作、代理服务,广告发布者不得发布。 根据《广告法》的规定,广告经营者代理、发布无合法证明或证明不全的广告,由广告监督管理机关责令负有责任的广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者停止发布,没收广告费用,并处广告费用1倍以上5倍以下的罚款。 (七)广告主伪造、涂改、盗用或擅自复制广告证明 伪造广告证明是指广告主假造。制作广告证明文件;涂改广告证明是指广告主对广告证明文件证明的内容进行改制,变换其内容,以适合其需要;盗用广告证明是指广告主将不属于自己所有的广告证明窃为己有,非法使用;擅自复制广告证明是指广告主非法复制法律规定不能自行复制的广告证明。 根据《广告法》第四十四条规定,广告主提供虚伪证明文件,由广告监督管理机关处以1万元以上10万元以下罚款。伪造、变造或者转让广告审查决定文件的,由广告监督管理机关没收违法所得,并处1万元以上10万元以下的罚款。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

(八)为广告主出具非法或虚假广告证明 为广告主出具非法或虚假证明是指《广告法》没有授权的机关或国家工作人员利用职务之便,擅自为广告主出具无效的、虚假的证明。 对于出具非法或虚假广告证明,工商行政管理机关要依法予以严惩。凡因出具非法或虚假证明而给他人造成伤害的,要承担连带赔偿责任。《广告法》第四十五条规定:“广告审查机关对违法的广告内容作出审查批准决定的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,由其所在单位、上级机关、行政监察部门依法给予行政处分。”第四十六条规定:“广告监督管理机



1.垄断行为的表现 广告经营过程中的垄断行为,是指广告活动的当事人或经济组织对广告市场运行过程或这一过程的某些方面的排它性控制,即对其他的合法广告经营活动进行排斥、控制。其具体行为表现如下: (1)两个或两个以上的广告经营者签定限制竞争的协议。它包括:签订分割广告市场的协议,规定各自不进入对方占领的市场或进入后互不竞争;一致同意共同对付外来竞争或规定其他竞争者进入市场的条件等。 (2)在市场上占优势的企业,以不正当竞争行为谋取独占地位。包括无正当理由拒绝某一类广告经营者以外的其他广告经营者作交易;强迫对方接受不合理的交易条件,搞歧视性价格,对不同的广告经营者实行不同的收费标准。

2.不正当竞争行为表现。 所谓不正当竞争行为,是指欺骗性的、有害的竞争方法与同类企业进行竞争的行为。其具体表现如下: (1)编造、散布有损于竞争对手的不真实的消息。 (2)采用贿赂或变相贿赂等非法手段招揽广告。 (3)违反国家广告收费标准规定,采用改变广告代理收费标准的手段,争抢客户。 《广告法》第二十一条规定:“广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者不得在广告活动中进行任何形式的不正当竞争。”对在广告活动中进行垄断或不正当竞争的,视其情节予以通报批评、没收非法所得、处5000元以下罚款或责令停止整顿。

违反广告法 淘宝

违反广告法 淘宝



淘宝网店销售**同款商品引争议 专家称违反广告法 出售领导人相关产品涉嫌违反《广告法》



里的产品创意虽好,其产品的热卖也是基于人民对领导人的尊敬和爱戴。但是,将新闻画面中领导人的形象印制在自己的商品上,并在明显位置打出“**同款”的宣传语,这种利用领导人的威望和影响力来宣传自己产品的行为,就涉嫌违反我国的《广告法》。 邱律师还提出“**”这个名称在中国社会乃至世界上都已经被赋予了特定的含义,看到这三个字,人们就会想到我国国家领导人**,基本不会想到其他人,网售商品在宣传时使用“**同款”的字句,也可以被看作是使用了国家机关工作人员的名义发布广告。这些都可以由当地的工商部门进行认定后做出查处。













潮州招呼站广告就播报了一起违反广告法案例分析的事件。 2008年7月18日,某市广播电视报社利用其出版的电视报,为某房地产公司发布擅自使用奥林匹克标志的房地产广告。房地产公司未经权利人许可擅自将奥林匹克标志用于商业广告中,侵犯了奥林匹克标志专有权,可依《奥林匹克标志保护条例》第十条进行查处,对此,办案人员没有异议;但对涉案的广告发布者是否违法、能否查处,却存在不同意见。









Case 1:

A kitchen equipment Co. Ltd. in order to promote the company's products, improve the visibility of the company, in a number of promotional samples printed on the "ISO9001:2000 quality certification", "the contract and trustworthy enterprise", "enterprise credit AAA level", "national customer satisfaction product quality, customer service service satisfaction with the top ten enterprises" medals etc.. After investigation and verification, the company has never actually obtained the above certification certificates and medals, which is untrue false propaganda. Xishan industrial and commercial bureau of the company made a correction, a fine of 20000 yuan penalty.

Comment: the company intends to make false publicity for the company product certification logo and awards in promotional materials, one is in violation of the "People's Republic of China Anti Unfair Competition Law" in the provisions of article ninth, disturb the market competition order, constitute unfair competition behavior; two is a violation of the "People's Republic of China consumer protection law" nineteenth "business operators shall provide truthful information about goods and services to consumers, the provisions of false propaganda" may be misleading, as the consumer to purchase the company's products, constitute consumer fraud, should increase the liability of compensation. Three is contrary to the "honesty and trustworthiness" of the basic business ethics, seriously damaged the company's corporate image.

Case two:

A hospital in Yixing City, said in the ad: "the hospital has the famous medical experts on 100, can treat all kinds of Difficult miscellaneous diseases". After understanding, the hospital scale is not large, simply not up to the advertisement referred to the strength and ability of medical, hospital for living, just outside some retired doctors Zuozhen, due to the medical level is not enough, the so-called "medical expert" is constantly changing.

Comment: the hospital advertising to the society to talk ambiguously advertising language, deliberately exaggerated the hospital medical strength and ability, its purpose is to attract more medical services, attract patients to medical treatment. If the patient came to the hospital, spent money, not only look bad disease, also missed the other by the timing of treatment, the consequences as can be imagined. The advertisement made by the hospital clearly violates the provisions of the advertisement law, Fourth: "advertisements shall not contain false contents and shall not deceive or mislead consumers". It is a false advertisement. At the same time, in violation of the "consumer protection law" article eighth, article nineteenth, violation of the consumer's right to know, if consumers are misled after medical treatment, according to the "measures" punishment of consumer fraud in the provisions of article third, constitute consumer fraud.

Case three:

Wuxi, a home appliance store to carry out promotional activities, advertising claims: "shopping during promotional

activities, buy 100, send 20."". Consumers in the store to buy household appliances to get coupons then consumption, an increase of 2 additional conditions in the shop notices: one is to buy Audio equipment counter goods; two is to purchase over 100 yuan, 20 yuan coupons to offset, consumers think it is not reasonable.

Comments: the home appliance stores in the media advertisement, and did not indicate the specific conditions and requirements to buy 100 to 20 ", when the consumer buy goods by coupons, shop and temporary additional conditions,

This practice violates the "advertisement law" article ninth "of content services, advertising in the form, quality, price and promise that the provisions should be clear and detailed", according to the provisions of the "law", this behavior constitutes a violation of the right to know of consumers behavior at the same time, shop notices in additional conditions, violation of the consumer's right to choose, in violation of the "law" in article twenty-fourth of the operator shall not form contracts, notices, announcements, shop notices to consumers to make unfair and unreasonable regulations "provisions, the unfair and unreasonable regulations, its content is invalid.

Case four:

Wuxi City, a well-known trading company as the body instrument increase its sales in the company, and above the door for Hall wall advertising 5, advertising content written in "AUMEIA household body instrument a thin 3 cm, 30 hours to ensure you

have a charming figure", "only once, then let your waist thin 2-3 cm; only one let you thick legs thin 1 - 2 cm; only once, let your sagging buttocks upturned 10-15 cm" and other words, it was verified that the household body instrument sales of the company did not reach in the advertising effect. Caused a number of consumer complaints, false advertising is misleading, Chong'an Business Bureau to stop the illegal acts shall be ordered to make administrative punishment, a fine of 14000 yuan.

Comment: the company in advertising on the home body instrument's effectiveness, unrealistic exaggerated, produce strong temptation and mislead the beauty of their women, according to the "advertisement law" provisions of article fourth, constitute false advertising behavior. At the same time, the content of the advertisement, the body itself is clearly contrary to the general rule, use the instrument only to a certain body slimming effect for some special populations, and regardless of the advertisement, with absolute language indicates the effect of immediate use of body instrument, obviously not credible.

Case five:

July 1, 2005, a beauty salon in Wuxi, in order to enlarge the name of brightness, attracted business, for a period of time to play free beauty advertising. Student consumer soup, a high believe, and then to the beauty salon to receive beauty services. Unexpectedly, after the end of the beauty, beauty salons cosmetics list to collect fees respectively Tangmou, high 198 yuan and 582 yuan, 2 of consumers feel cheated, complained to

the Wuxi City Council, after mediation, return the soup to a 140 yuan, a 432 yuan cosmetics high fees.

Comment: advertising the beauty salon called free beauty, according to common sense, is that consumers do not need to pay any fees, we can get the beauty salon beauty services, consumers think this is a kind of preferential promotional activities in the hospital. In fact, up to collect fee in the process of using beauty cosmetics, beauty and before, and not to introduce consumers clearly, without the consent of the consent of the consumer, on the use of expensive cosmetics. This advertising in violation of "advertising law" article ninth paragraph second "ads that sell goods and provide services with gifts, to provide variety and quantity shall be marked" free, misleading consumers for cosmetic consumption, constitute false advertising behavior. At the same time, in the beauty process, without the consent of consumers, the use of consumer unknowingly cosmetics and charges,

In violation of the provisions of the ninth article of the consumer law, "consumers enjoy the right to choose goods or services independently" is a very immoral act.

Case six:

A hospital in Wuxi advertise in the media, said: "cure hernia, not surgery, experts close examination, the treatment fee is only 100 yuan", "if the individual will not heal, will be free treatment."". Consumers in Jingjiang Panmou after seeing the ad, in June 2005 came to the hospital, the hospital received treatment costs 840 yuan, and issued a formal invoice. No

effective home half a month later, call and request a refund, the hospital, the hospital reply again cure time, Panmou do not trust the hospital, write a letter of complaint to the Wuxi Council, after mediation, the hospital returned Panmou hospital costs 840 yuan.

Comments: This is a business offer to consumers, with a clear commitment to advertising, the hospital should be in accordance with the contract to fulfill their promises. But the hospital has not fulfilled its commitment obligations, and it is reasonable for consumers to ask for refunds. The hospital violated the "advertisement law" fifth article "advertising operators engaged in advertising activities, shall abide by the laws and administrative regulations, shall follow the principles of justice and honesty", constitute false advertising behavior. At the same time, also violates the "consumer law" in the sixteenth paragraph of the "second operators and consumers have agreed, should be fulfilled in accordance with the obligations" provisions, is a "do not speak credit" behavior.

Case seven:

A company in Wuxi City, the business sector without registration, without authorization in parks, shopping malls and other places issued by the distribution of "angustifolia tea" print advertising. The publicity function "has runchangqing product, adjust the excretion in advertising; blood lipid, Qingrejiedu; promote consumption, improve sleep; clear Tangping pressure, endocrine balance and inhibition of cancer cell induced Dutch act role", to "diabetes, hypertension

and hyperlipidemia". The company has been seized by the Beitang industrial and commercial sub Bureau for misleading and misleading publicity on its functions, scope and components. Beitang industrial and commercial branch of its order to stop publishing, to eliminate the impact of fines of 15 thousand yuan penalty.

Comments: the national Ministry of Health issued a "second health food management measures" the provisions of civilization: health food is not to treat the disease for the purpose of food, and the company claims to have curative function in the print advertising, is clearly in the intent to expand its sales of products effect, misleading consumers. At the same time, a serious violation of the "Anti Unfair Competition Law" article ninth "in the first paragraph operator shall not use advertisement or other means, the quality of the goods, ingredients, performance and use of false and misleading propaganda" provisions, constitute acts of unfair competition. It not only disturbs the order of competition in the market, but will be the consumer directly.

Case eight:

Wuxi, a real estate developer in commercial housing pre-sale before playing real estate advertising, claiming that the district has a nearly more than 400 square metres of green spaces, kindergartens are located in the district. Consumers purchase, we found the original green covered other buildings within the District, no kindergarten, many consumers think the real estate developers fraud, a complaint to the City Council, asked for an explanation. The real estate developer shall not

settle the matter on the basis of the approval of the relevant department.

Comments: the real estate advertising there is a serious false and exaggerated issues, against the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers. The Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the application of law in the trial of the sale of commercial housing contract dispute cases the interpretation of article third clearly: Sales of commercial advertising and promotional materials for the invitation to offer, have a significant impact on the commercial housing sales contracts and determine housing prices, should be regarded as an offer. The instructions and promises, even if they are not included in the contract for the sale of commercial property, shall also be regarded as the contents of the contract. If the parties concerned violate the contract, they shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract.

Case nine:

An English class will be held in an enterprise in Wuxi, with 650 RMB yuan per student. In order to attract students, publicity in the enrollment, will employ 2 foreign English teachers. After the beginning of the school, there is no foreign English teacher lectures, class teachers are all local people, consumers complained to the Wuxi City Council, the view that the enterprise has obvious fraud.

Comment: the enterprise did not hire foreign teachers of English tutor in promotional materials that will have 2 foreign English teachers, not only make the scholars disappointed,

false propaganda behavior constituted in fact, a serious violation of the "consumer protection law" article nineteenth "business operators shall provide truthful information about the goods or services to consumers, the provisions false propaganda" may be misleading, according to the "measures" consumer fraud penalties prescribed in article second, this behavior has constituted fraud consumer behavior, should bear the corresponding liability for compensation.

Case ten:

Wuxi digital equipment sales store opened, in the poster said that the store sold digital equipment for the city's lowest price, consumers in 5 days, if found cheaper than the same type of goods, refund the difference. Consumers Chen to buy a digital camera in the electric in August 8, 2005 August 12th found that the same type of digital camera than the store price low 1181 yuan in other shops, Chen to the shop to refund the difference, was rejected, then the complaint to the Wuxi City Council, according to the law of mediation, the shop price 1181 yuan refund chen.

Comment: this store posters by the sales of goods for the price, in violation of the "advertisement law" in the seventh paragraph second fourth "prohibit the use of extreme terms" provisions, not cash to give advertising commitments, in violation of the "law" in the second paragraph of article sixteenth "operators and consumers agreed, shall perform in accordance with the agreed obligations", is a typical act of dishonesty.

Case 1: Sichuan Dexing Tong health products issued false health food advertising case

Sichuan Dexing Hall Health Products Co. Ltd. in May 2009 in Wuyi County, Wang Zhai Zhen theater "multi life liquid" promotional activities, declaring that "life is a rare treasure in liquid - treasure" Taisui "(a compound bacteria) as a basic formula, after modern biological engineering technology refined, this product is rich in biological activity PQQ global technology and other effective ingredients, has anti-cancer effects". In fact, life is just more liquid health food and Drug Administration approved the product propaganda health function is not consistent, in violation of the relevant provisions of the "Zhejiang province Anti Unfair Competition Regulations", which belongs to the publication of false advertising behavior of health food,

Wuyi County Industrial and Commercial Bureau ordered the immediate cessation of violations, and fined 50 thousand yuan.

Case two: Shanghai Minghui pharmaceutical biological science and technology released false health food advertising case

Shanghai Minghui pharmaceutical Biological Technology Co., Ltd. in June 2009 in Jinhua released "Dili state" capsule health food advertising, advertising claims "by the American Medical Association authority recommended, quickly solve the basic problems of men."...... Impotence, premature ejaculation, penis short, sexual dysfunction, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, hypertrophy have unique curative effect......" The propaganda of the effectiveness of the

product beyond the Drug Administration approved the scope of publishing false health food advertising act belongs to "Zhejiang province advertising management regulations", by the Jinhua Municipal Bureau of Wucheng Industrial and Commercial Bureau ordered to stop publishing, and impose a fine of 10000 yuan.

Case three: Yiwu Sunshine beauty hospital released false medical advertisement case

In January 2009, Yiwu Sunshine beauty hospital release printing to acne, freckle to the content of the advertisement in the hospital, claiming "destroy hemorrhoids without leaving marks", "carbon dioxide mole removal wart" and "the myth of C6 intelligent system is Wang Meifu freckle chloasma strong killer" and other content, the violation of the provisions of the "Zhejiang province advertising management regulations", which belongs to the publication of false medical advertising behavior, Yiwu city Industrial and Commercial Bureau shall be ordered to immediately stop publishing, and impose a fine of 15000 yuan.

Case four: Dongyang Huashan comprehensive outpatient department issued false medical advertising case

In September 2009, Dongyang Huashan comprehensive outpatient department to attract medical treatment for patients, in the Dongyang city food market around the "healthy home" medical advertising publications. In the publications on the fictional profile and experts than clinic doctors, false published "women free medical examination" and "authoritative medical city

women's Federation of free medical sentinel units", "the examination fee, examination fee waiver and other information, in violation of the" advertisement law "," medical advertising management approach ". The relevant provisions of Dongyang city Industrial and Commercial Bureau shall be ordered to immediately stop publishing, and impose a fine of 10000 yuan.

Case five: Lin Yueming released false Internet advertising case

Pujiang County jade jewelry factory self-employed Aron Lin Yueming, in 2009 March, built at the site of the Alibaba, the fictional "Zhejiang Yu Erlong Jewelry Company Limited" name and deliberately expand the scale of enterprises and other related information, in violation of the relevant provisions of the "advertisement law", which belongs to the false advertising behavior, Pujiang county were ordered to Industrial and Commercial Bureau to correct violations, and impose a fine of 5000 yuan.

Case six: Tiansheng plastic hardware release illegal supplies online advertising case

Jinhua Tiansheng plastic hardware factory started in the second half of 2008 advertising life products in its own website and the enterprise website list, posted on the site of the factory production of adult sex supplies increased for increased products such as suits, pictures, and introduce the product text in the image with, in violation of the "advertisement law", "advertising regulations" the relevant provisions, which belongs to the unauthorized release of violating the good custom of society the content of advertising behavior, Jinhua

city in 2009 by the Jindong branch Industrial and Commercial Bureau shall be ordered to immediately stop publishing, and impose a fine of 3000 yuan.

Case 1:

"Silver crown Disha" drug advertising

Illegal content:

Zhangjiagang City, an advertising company in the Xi'an red item Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Zhangjiagang sellers "crown silver Disha pharmaceutical advertising," the medicine "has a whoop and a holler on psoriasis 99.8% efficiency, the cure rate was 91.2%, total cure rate 62.3%".

Consumers association:

Article fourteenth (two) of the advertising law of the People's Republic of China expressly prohibits the publication of drug advertisements that contain "cure rate" or "efficiency".

Case two:

"Smooth" real estate brand advertising

Illegal content:

The name of the smooth Wujiang City Real Estate Development Company Limited was originally to be included in the publication Chinese architectural culture center compiled the

"China well-known real estate business of real estate" in large volume, but the business advertising in foreign, but the packaging by the national Ministry of construction as "Chinese well-known real estate", raise their "worth", in order to deceive consumers, unfair competition.

Consumers association:

The behavior of the Real Estate Company is not only a violation of the "People's Republic of China Fourth" advertising law "advertising shall not contain any false information, and shall not deceive and mislead consumers, but also in violation of the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China" Anti Unfair Competition Law "the malicious competition behavior.

Case three:

Advertisement for a fictitious medical institution in an outpatient department of Changshu

Illegal content:

The Changshu clinic is not approved by the provincial health administrative departments, authorization to "Shanghai expert consultation center, gynecological clinics, urology prostate treatment center, infertility treatment center,

gastrointestinal digestive treatment center, skin treatment center and the name of advertising, and lied to the outpatient department to hire nearly 40 years of clinical experience in the Department of Dermatology perennial Zuozhen, deceive patients to heal.

Consumers association:

The outpatient department in violation of the "People's Republic of China Fourth" advertising law "advertising shall not contain any false information, and shall not deceive and mislead consumers", in violation of the "measures" medical advertising management third "the contents of medical advertisements must provide true, healthy, scientific and accurate, shall not in any form to deceive and mislead the public"; also in violation of the provisions of the "Regulations" Regulations for the implementation of the management of medical institutions.

Case four:

Changshu beautiful garden real estate advertisement

Illegal content:

Changshu, a Real Estate Company in the beautiful garden of the sale of real estate advertising, "Feng Shui Wang, Mei Li," blessed "breeds infinite appreciation prospects, lots appreciation potential", "15 minutes to reach the downtown" advertisement for the content, in order to attract consumers.

Consumers association:

"Seventh provisions" Provisional Regulations on real estate advertising: "real estate advertising shall not contain Feng Shui, divination and other feudal superstitious, the

description of the project, rendering, not against a good social performance; tenth stipulates:" the real estate project location,

The actual distance should be a specific reference to the existing roads from the project to say not to time to express distance "; sixteenth" appear in the financing or financing content may not be the real estate advertisement, shall contain the appreciation or return on investment commitments ", the illegal content significantly in disrupt consumer judgment.

Case five:

"Vigconic capsule health food advertising

Illegal content:

"Vigconic capsule" the health care products. However, a Xiamen trading company in Beijing commissioned a marketing company for advertising, with several fictional name of the consumer to prove vigconic capsule with enhanced kidney power, enhancing immunity, anti fatigue and other effects, prevention of premature senility "beyond the health care products determined by the" immune "effectiveness.

Consumers association:

The nineteenth article of the advertising law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the contents of

advertisements for food, alcoholic drinks and cosmetics must conform to the matters concerning hygiene license and shall not

use medical words or words which are easy to be confused with drugs.

Case six:

Mobile advertising; print advertising

Illegal content:

Kunshan Xinyu mobile phone market called "you buy mobile phone in advertising promotional print, my cash back 50%", the actual situation is the only 1 consumers can draw 50% cash return.

Consumers association:

"The printing method" fourth advertising management and eighteenth relevant provisions: printed advertisement shall be true, lawful and conforming with the requirements of socialist spiritual civilization construction, shall not contain false contents, not to cheat and mislead consumers.

Case seven:

Health food "more than V Valley essence" advertising

Illegal content:

Datong Ming Sen Biological Products Co., Ltd. sales of "multi V Valley essence (oil absorption base)" smoked main departments approved health care functions: improve gastrointestinal function (Runchang purge), regulating blood lipids. However,

the company in the sales process, in order to expand the sales of the product, in June 2005 published an advertisement in the Suzhou media, wantonly false propaganda products with obesity, and that a number of fictional institutions at home and abroad.

Consumers association:

The provisions of the fourth article of the advertising law of the People's Republic of China shall not contain false contents and shall not deceive or mislead consumers. The advertisement is beyond the scope of approval, and the content is false and obviously deceived and misled the consumers.

Case eight:

Suzhou Tongji Hospital advertisement

Illegal content:

Suzhou Tongji Hospital Co., Ltd. in Suzhou media to "Tongji plastic surgery center" in the name of advertising. It is verified that the parties only have plastic surgery, and no provincial-level health departments approved the approval of the "plastic surgery center" this institution.

Consumers association:

The advertisement violates the provisions of the fourth article of the advertising law of the People's Republic of China, that is, advertisements shall not contain false contents and shall not deceive or mislead consumers. The "XX center" must be

approved by the provincial health authorities.

Unauthorized use of the "Tongji plastic surgery center" in the name of external advertising, unauthorized increase in medical institutions.

Case nine:

Health care products "selenium enriched Ganoderma lucidum treasure" advertisement;

Illegal content:

Beijing Jiujiufangyuan Health Products Distribution Co. Ltd. released "Se Ganoderma treasure health care products, the media reporting form, to the patient's name and image, not beyond the approved health food function, publicity treasure Se enriched Ganoderma lucidum has anti-cancer effects, and to introduce the name of doctor products containing organic selenium, anti-tumor drugs, to tumor cells can automatically identify and so on.

Consumers association:

The product has been approved as an immunomodulatory and tumor suppressor, rather than an anti cancer agent in advertising. Secondary inhibition means that the product is not directly responsible for the disease. It is different from cancer fighting. But this is the health food and drug advertising as propaganda, in violation of the "advertisement law" regulation of article fourteenth, nineteenth, namely "drugs,

advertisements of medical devices shall have the following contents: first, containing unscientific assertions or guarantees; two, indicating that the cure rate or efficiency; three, and other drugs and the efficacy and safety of medical devices comparison; four, the use of medical research institutes, academic institutions, medical institutions or experts, doctors, the patient's name and image as proof". Obviously, the content of this advertisement has exaggerated publicity to the efficacy of selenium enriched Ganoderma lucidum, misleading consumers and making wrong judgments, and mistakenly buying their products, causing economic losses to consumers.

Case ten:

Ordinary food "strange fruit oral liquid" advertisement

Illegal content:

Shenzhen city Taixing Industrial Co. Ltd. in the form of news report, publicity "miraculin oral liquid has reduced slightly and treatment of brain injury syndrome lead role, and to" the Hongkong Harbor Bridge Group is the foundation of exports, lead producer International Children's lead poisoning, quality assured "and other false deception to mislead consumers.

Consumers association:

The advertisement is to seize the parents of children care and love of psychology, the general food for medical efficacy propaganda, content is completely false. It is a violation of

the "People's Republic of China third" advertising law "advertisement shall be true, lawful and conforming with the requirements of socialist spiritual civilization construction."; Fourth "advertising shall not contain false contents, not to cheat and mislead consumers"; nineteenth "matters of food, wine, cosmetics advertising content must conform to the hygiene license provisions, and shall not use medical terminology or easy to be confused with the drug".

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