


  • 作者: 我只想她好
  • 来源: 数月亮
  • 2020-09-20

以下是愤怒的小鸟经典 电影对白。 Red:Oh, I'm horrible! 2、Matilda:We're gonna workingmanaging our anger through movement. Chuck:Eagle, heron, peacock, warrior, mountain, tree, rabbit, fish, locust, kingpigeon, course,downward duck. 恰克:老鹰,白鹭,孔雀,战士,高山,树木,兔子,鱼类,蝗虫,鸽子,当然还有,鸭子。 Red:Yuck! 3、Red:Am passionatebird? Yes, whatdoes same?大红:我是只充满激情的鸟吗?是。但是我 和你不一样又怎么了? 4、Red:Doesn't anyone see what's going wholeworld it'sup stop‘em! 大红:除了我没人意识到发生什么了吗?整个世界陷入了危险之中!需要我们去阻止他们! 5、Stella:Hey, something's coming! 6、Red:That's me, Red. Ever since neverreally fit understandsme. 大红:那就是我,大红。我还是个孩子起就不能融入集体。没人理解我。 7、Leonard:Greetings from stealingour eggs! Leonard:Set sail PiggyIsland! 9、Red:Time getangry! Fire! guyagain. Matilda:Take Red:Well, how about Shecan shoot fireballs out herbutt. toldyou Leonard:Call PiggyAir Force! 11、Bomb:Sometimes, when getupset, havebeen known blowup. Birds:Surprise! Bomb:Ahh! Bomb:Oh, excuse me, party foul. Stella:Ow! 12、Leonard:Greetings! Chuck:[whispering Red]What's escalatorsuddenly stops] Leonard:Unbelievable. [Hehits hishead which makes escalatorgo Leonard:Oh, where we're going. Leonard:We practiced hundredtimes. Ross:Oh, man. Leonard:Give Ross:[sighs] birds]We're gonna come 13、Red:[Red hisbed, suddenlyhas flowerpot fall him]Ow! turnsout littlekid footballagainst his house. He falselysmiles kickshim up 大红:[大红躺床上睡觉,突然花盆砸向了他]噢![结果是个小孩在对着他的房子外墙踢足球。他对着这孩子假笑了下, 然后把他踢飞了] 14、Bobby's Mom: [after Red attacks AngerManagement sign] Don't look, angermight 鲍勃妈妈:[在大红攻击了愤怒控制指示牌后]小鲍勃,别看!别被他传染了! Bobby:[waves "hi" Red:He started 15、Leonard:Show 'em how we do Pig:How you doing? [Elderbird woman faints] 16、Leonard:[seeing one Red:Excuse me! Those fragile,al缉阀光合叱骨癸摊含揩right? JudgePeckinpah: You makin'our guest feel unwelcome! askingbasic questions! pigslaps his butt] Chuck:Well, justgot awkward. 17、Red:We're gonna get those eggs back! Come we'rebirds! We're descendantsfrom dinosaurs! We're 大红:我们要把那些蛋夺回来!振作起来,我们是鸟!我们是恐龙的后代!我们不是好欺负的! [Petuniaroars like JudgePeckinpah: Holy moly! Red:Yeah, point made. 18、JudgePeckinpah: You tried tellus, wedidn't listen. What do we do 佩金帕裁判员:你试着提醒我们,但是我们没有听。我们现在怎么办? wherewe're going! birdscheer] Chuck:It's Chuck time! 19、Red:Nice chatting 20、JudgePeckinpah: recurringissue here! Anger. Red:don't think angerissue, thinkyou got angerissue. youaware you'rewearing isn't fooling anybody? 大红:我才没有爱生气的毛病,你才有。你不觉得你穿的那件大长袍在把我们当傻子吗? [hesuddenly takes robeoff revealJudge Peckinpah standing appeartall] [大红突然把他的长袍脱掉结果佩金帕裁判员站在赛勒斯上面] Red:Viola audiblegasp from crowdwatching] Cyrus:Achoo! [JudgePeckinpah falsl down] Mime:Oh my gosh! 在一座与世隔绝的美丽小岛上,住这一群乐天知命的鸟。作为一只天生拥有黑粗眉的小鸟,“胖红”走到哪里都被嘲笑 或是无视,它对在家门外踢球的捣蛋鬼毫不客气,暴脾气让 它更加孤僻。不过即便是暴躁的“胖红”也有脾气相投的死党, “飞镖黄”恰克与“炸弹黑”就是它的好基友。不过易怒的大红、 亢奋的恰克和容易爆炸的炸弹总是因为各自的怪性格而不 被其他的鸟接纳。当“绿猪”初到小鸟岛时,正是敏锐的“胖红” 发现了蹊跷之处,然而法官大人却无视“胖红”的忠告,导致 蠢萌“绿猪”诡计得逞。

broad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still li缉阀光合叱骨癸摊含揩stens.